Re: “美国太好了”国内同事打电话来说 (转载)
Re: “美国太好了”国内同事打电话来说 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 RuralChina 讨论区 】
发信人: mymeaculpa (wormworm), 信区: RuralChina
标 题: Re: “美国太好了”国内同事打电话来说
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 23 13:36:06 2013, 美东)
We should treat our parents much better oh.
My LD and I went to the supermarket next to our apartment last weekend. A
grandma grabbed my arm and asked me to help her with her old fashion camera.
I didn't know how to change its film, so I tried to escape at first. LD
was so nice to assist her with that and also answerd her many questions.
Then I met the same grandma around the same area in the supermarket
yesterday, she was excited to catch me again. We chatted a while this time.
Well, I did the listening mainly. It's all about how her daughter
mistreated her and her husband. Though I tried to comfort her by saying that
it's also really hard for her daughter to survive in a foreign country and
newly married to a foreigner, I actually believed that the daughter did a
bad job taking care of her parents.
Anyway, I can't care less wether China or the US is better. I think we,
being others' kids, should try our best to make our parents feel happy.