看了好多中国小留给Jimmy的网上留言,英语真地道 (转载)
看了好多中国小留给Jimmy的网上留言,英语真地道 (转载)# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: fuckthrust (...), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 看了好多中国小留给Jimmy的网上留言,英语真地道
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 24 16:26:45 2013, 美东)
大家可以学学。genocide, wuss 我老这些词都是查字典还看懂。看来小留英语青出于蓝
Does Jimmy Kimmel dare to broadcast things like "Kill everyone in Mexico to
solve the immigration problem?" Or "kill all the African American males to
end crime in the U.S?" Or "kill all the American Indians to take the tribal
lands and sovereign back?" More effectively, why not just "kill all the
Jewish billionaires and take over their fortunes" to solve the entire debt
crisis, like the Nazi Germany once did? Shame on you, Jimmy Kimmel. Where is
your professional responsibility and conscience? Remember, genocide talk is
never funny, especially when you are the target. If Kimmel runs out of
jokes, leave ABC and give his spot to more creative young hosts.
Yang Yang
0 Fans
In Hitler's Germany, when the Jews were cursed upon, they didn't respond;
when their shops were torched, they didn't respond; but finally when they
were driven into concentration camps, they lost their last chance.
Jimmy Kimmel's rhetoric is exactly starting the first step in this heinous
and dangerous path. Hitler directed German people towards the Jews when
Germany couldn't pay its war debt; now Kimmel is "playing around' with the "
interesting" idea of not paying the Chinese people by killing them. Kimmel
you are such a wuss , you don't even dare say that yourself and have to hide
behind some little kids. hahahahahah you are such a wuss but we see both
your evil intention and your wussiness. you will pay , soon, just wait