ABC的网上新闻有关于“道歉”的报道了# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
I really like the following comment made by Nan Vanessa Sun below that news:
The Chinese and Asians are minorities (and in a way, a weaker, less vocal
group) that have frequently suffered discriminative remarks/jokes from main
stream media. remember how jeremy lin was called "chink in the armor" by
espn? and there are too many to recall! ask yourslef, who dare air the N
word, ever?
if you don't know Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923, which was the most
notorious discrimiation law passed against Chinese, there is a reason, the
government has never apologized for that or make it known. The Chinese were
silent, any way. the asian kids have been bullied on campus as well,
encouraged in a way by the media. how many china town innocent people got
robbed and killed randomly? Too many. if you consider all above points, it's
not surprising the Asian feel discriminated.
I think the chance of Asian boys encountering bullying at school is much
bigger than Asian girls. We have seen quite some reports about Asian boys'
suicide due to being bullied before. And the perpetrator of 2007 Virginia
Tech Massacre was also a victim of bullying.
ABC's mistake in this case IS REALLY BAD AND DISGUSTING. Even if there is no
vicious, deliberate intention under the hood (which I doubt, because the
show must have been prepared and plotted by some writer, according to some
online report), the damage has already been made. ABC should have done much
more than a simple letter addressed to 80-20 to make things right. That
letter of apology seems too perfunctional and looks like a further insult to
I admire people who have taken part in the protests:
Should push for an apology for this one

if you don't know Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923, which was the most
notorious discrimiation law passed against Chinese, there is a reason, the
government has never apologized for that or make it known.

【在 g*********y 的大作中提到】
: 但是评论很少,很可能有censorship.
: I really like the following comment made by Nan Vanessa Sun below that news:
: The Chinese and Asians are minorities (and in a way, a weaker, less vocal
: group) that have frequently suffered discriminative remarks/jokes from main
: stream media. remember how jeremy lin was called "chink in the armor" by
: espn? and there are too many to recall! ask yourslef, who dare air the N
: word, ever?
: if you don't know Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923, which was the most
: notorious discrimiation law passed against Chinese, there is a reason, the
