请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子
请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: acer (孔雀翎), 信区: Living
标 题: 请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Nov 1 10:33:01 2013, 美东)
事件至今,鸡毛还是不知悔改。请大家给jimmy kimmel show的赞助商写信,让他们撤
发信人: xiache (hello), 信区: Military
标 题: Go send messages to Jimmy Kimmel live sponsors.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 30 16:12:32 2013, 美东)
I found three of them:
Below is my version:
To whom it may concern:
I think you might have noticed the recent Jimmy Kimmel show in which Kimmel
included “Kill everyone in China” content. This reminds me what Adolf
Hitler might have said decades ago. This has led to anger in Chinese
community. Frankly, not only Chinese, all people with sound mind should be
angered with this hate speech.
One might consider this as a kid’s job. However, although some participants
of the discussion are kids, the host, Jimmy Kimmel, is not. The people of
ABC who made the decision to broadcast this one show are also not. Airing of
such a show is dangerous: if such a speech is acceptable by being
broadcasted by ABC, it may be accepted anywhere. The famous question by
Jimmy Kimmel, “Should be allow Chinese to live?”, may be asked in various
formats, to name a few:
“Should we allow ASIANS to live”?
“Should we allow JEWISH to live”?
“Should we allow BLACK to live”?
Kimmel made a simple statement as his “apology”. This is NOT enough. As
what I have mentioned, discussing this issue in air is completely
unacceptable. He should be pay more for what he has done. I believe most
Chinese would agree with me.
I also noticed that BMW is a sponsor of the Jimmy Kimmel show and I would
request that BMV may terminate your sponsorship. Continuing your sponsorship
may not dramatically affect in U.S.; however you may get negatively
affected in the China market. So far the protests are mainly in U.S., but
this is just the beginning. Anger in China may be ignited soon. You may have
noticed that the Chinese CCTV is filming the protest held in Los Angeles
today. Reputation of BMW products, will be affected negatively in China-I
would promise that the list of sponsors for Jimmy Kimmel show will soon be
available on the web and boycotting of those of the list will be expected.
Personally, as a TV watcher I would boycott ABC before appropriate actions
are being done, and as a customer I would stop buying from any manufacturers
that sponsor Jimmy Kimmel show. I would appreciate if you could forward
this to your higher management for their consideration and your help would
be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,