2 楼
3 楼
4 楼
5 楼
除非你的expense 比较多,会用到这一项,在1040 form的第二页,第40项
40Itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see left
如果不选standard deduction, 而用Itemized deductions
就去填Schedule A 第16-19里面
Gifts to Charity
里面【 在 gshjj (H3-> ?4) 的大作中提到: 】
40Itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see left
如果不选standard deduction, 而用Itemized deductions
就去填Schedule A 第16-19里面
Gifts to Charity
里面【 在 gshjj (H3-> ?4) 的大作中提到: 】
6 楼
Signs of a Charity Scam
These days, charities and fundraisers (groups that solicit funds on behalf
of organizations) use the phone, face-to-face contact, email, the internet (
including social networking sites), and mobile devices to solicit and obtain
donations. Naturally, scammers use these same methods to take advantage of
your goodwill. Regardless of how they reach you, avoid any charity or
fundraiser that:
•Refuses to provide detailed information about its identity, mission,
costs, and how the donation will be used.
These days, charities and fundraisers (groups that solicit funds on behalf
of organizations) use the phone, face-to-face contact, email, the internet (
including social networking sites), and mobile devices to solicit and obtain
donations. Naturally, scammers use these same methods to take advantage of
your goodwill. Regardless of how they reach you, avoid any charity or
fundraiser that:
•Refuses to provide detailed information about its identity, mission,
costs, and how the donation will be used.
7 楼
If you’re thinking about giving to a charity, do your research to avoid
fraudsters who try to take advantage of your generosity.
fraudsters who try to take advantage of your generosity.
8 楼
【在 j******h 的大作中提到】
: Signs of a Charity Scam
: These days, charities and fundraisers (groups that solicit funds on behalf
: of organizations) use the phone, face-to-face contact, email, the internet (
: including social networking sites), and mobile devices to solicit and obtain
: donations. Naturally, scammers use these same methods to take advantage of
: your goodwill. Regardless of how they reach you, avoid any charity or
: fundraiser that:
: •Refuses to provide detailed information about its identity, mission,
: costs, and how the donation will be used.
【在 j******h 的大作中提到】
: Signs of a Charity Scam
: These days, charities and fundraisers (groups that solicit funds on behalf
: of organizations) use the phone, face-to-face contact, email, the internet (
: including social networking sites), and mobile devices to solicit and obtain
: donations. Naturally, scammers use these same methods to take advantage of
: your goodwill. Regardless of how they reach you, avoid any charity or
: fundraiser that:
: •Refuses to provide detailed information about its identity, mission,
: costs, and how the donation will be used.
11 楼
Km不是正规法定的慈善机构 就是拿到他的税号 你捐了的话 也退不了 如果通过那个什
么ACCEF 正规的慈善机构会在捐款后 出具感谢信 并付上 税号 已便捐款人 报税之用
么ACCEF 正规的慈善机构会在捐款后 出具感谢信 并付上 税号 已便捐款人 报税之用
14 楼
我每年给儿童医院的一点点一点点捐款都收到退税单了, 老公填没有填到税表里, 不
15 楼
我儿子老师为了乳腺癌长跑, 我给捐了, 也受到了退税单, 这个没有报, 找不到单
16 楼
17 楼
18 楼
This is correct.
Forget the exact number, but 90% or something people use standard deduction.
The standard deduction for married couples filing a joint return is $11,900
for 2012. Most people don't have that much itemized expenses. So they take
the advantage of choosing standard deduction.
In other words, most people cannot deduct their charitable contributions.
However, in my opinion, donation is just a way to be kind to other people/
society. You should not donate if you care to deduct such expenses.
If you want to take advantage of the charitable contributions deduction rule
, you should donate properties that have gained lots of value when you
possess them because the tax code 170(a) lets you deduct the current fair
market value of donated properties, without recognizing gain or loss. For
example, you bought some stocks for $1,000, and 5 years later they worth $20,
000. After you donate those stocks, you are allowed to deduct $20,000, but
don't have to pay tax on the gain ($19,000). And your donee don't need to
pay tax on the gain either.
【在 j******h 的大作中提到】
: 除非你的expense 比较多,会用到这一项,在1040 form的第二页,第40项
: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf
: 40Itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see left
: margin
: 如果不选standard deduction, 而用Itemized deductions
: 就去填Schedule A 第16-19里面
: Gifts to Charity
: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040sa.pdf
: 里面【 在 gshjj (H3-> ?4) 的大作中提到: 】
Forget the exact number, but 90% or something people use standard deduction.
The standard deduction for married couples filing a joint return is $11,900
for 2012. Most people don't have that much itemized expenses. So they take
the advantage of choosing standard deduction.
In other words, most people cannot deduct their charitable contributions.
However, in my opinion, donation is just a way to be kind to other people/
society. You should not donate if you care to deduct such expenses.
If you want to take advantage of the charitable contributions deduction rule
, you should donate properties that have gained lots of value when you
possess them because the tax code 170(a) lets you deduct the current fair
market value of donated properties, without recognizing gain or loss. For
example, you bought some stocks for $1,000, and 5 years later they worth $20,
000. After you donate those stocks, you are allowed to deduct $20,000, but
don't have to pay tax on the gain ($19,000). And your donee don't need to
pay tax on the gain either.
【在 j******h 的大作中提到】
: 除非你的expense 比较多,会用到这一项,在1040 form的第二页,第40项
: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf
: 40Itemized deductions (from Schedule A) or your standard deduction (see left
: margin
: 如果不选standard deduction, 而用Itemized deductions
: 就去填Schedule A 第16-19里面
: Gifts to Charity
: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040sa.pdf
: 里面【 在 gshjj (H3-> ?4) 的大作中提到: 】
19 楼
【在 j******h 的大作中提到】
: Signs of a Charity Scam
: These days, charities and fundraisers (groups that solicit funds on behalf
: of organizations) use the phone, face-to-face contact, email, the internet (
: including social networking sites), and mobile devices to solicit and obtain
: donations. Naturally, scammers use these same methods to take advantage of
: your goodwill. Regardless of how they reach you, avoid any charity or
: fundraiser that:
: •Refuses to provide detailed information about its identity, mission,
: costs, and how the donation will be used.
【在 j******h 的大作中提到】
: Signs of a Charity Scam
: These days, charities and fundraisers (groups that solicit funds on behalf
: of organizations) use the phone, face-to-face contact, email, the internet (
: including social networking sites), and mobile devices to solicit and obtain
: donations. Naturally, scammers use these same methods to take advantage of
: your goodwill. Regardless of how they reach you, avoid any charity or
: fundraiser that:
: •Refuses to provide detailed information about its identity, mission,
: costs, and how the donation will be used.
20 楼
老中除了当学生的那几年,一般工作了之后都是itemized deduction吧。 捐款都是能
够tax deduct的。
另外用standard deduction的一般收入相对不多,多数都没有股票,所以也没法用捐股
票来避capital gain。
【在 S***7 的大作中提到】
: This is correct.
: Forget the exact number, but 90% or something people use standard deduction.
: The standard deduction for married couples filing a joint return is $11,900
: for 2012. Most people don't have that much itemized expenses. So they take
: the advantage of choosing standard deduction.
: In other words, most people cannot deduct their charitable contributions.
: However, in my opinion, donation is just a way to be kind to other people/
: society. You should not donate if you care to deduct such expenses.
: If you want to take advantage of the charitable contributions deduction rule
: , you should donate properties that have gained lots of value when you
够tax deduct的。
另外用standard deduction的一般收入相对不多,多数都没有股票,所以也没法用捐股
票来避capital gain。
【在 S***7 的大作中提到】
: This is correct.
: Forget the exact number, but 90% or something people use standard deduction.
: The standard deduction for married couples filing a joint return is $11,900
: for 2012. Most people don't have that much itemized expenses. So they take
: the advantage of choosing standard deduction.
: In other words, most people cannot deduct their charitable contributions.
: However, in my opinion, donation is just a way to be kind to other people/
: society. You should not donate if you care to deduct such expenses.
: If you want to take advantage of the charitable contributions deduction rule
: , you should donate properties that have gained lots of value when you
22 楼
I could be wrong about the figure of 90%, but I am positive that most (>50%)
of people take standard deduction. The reason is that when congress makes
tax law, among other things, it wants the law to be administered relatively
easily - the government definitely does not want to double check everybody's
【在 r****9 的大作中提到】
: 老中除了当学生的那几年,一般工作了之后都是itemized deduction吧。 捐款都是能
: 够tax deduct的。
: 当学生的时候少捐钱也是正常的。
: 另外用standard deduction的一般收入相对不多,多数都没有股票,所以也没法用捐股
: 票来避capital gain。
: 大部分的捐款都是来自相对富裕的捐款人,很多人的边际税率都达到了33%以上,捐100
: 快钱,相当于扣除66块钱。当然太有钱了就要交AMT的话,实际成本就会比66快钱多了。
: deduction.
: 900
I could be wrong about the figure of 90%, but I am positive that most (>50%)
of people take standard deduction. The reason is that when congress makes
tax law, among other things, it wants the law to be administered relatively
easily - the government definitely does not want to double check everybody's
【在 r****9 的大作中提到】
: 老中除了当学生的那几年,一般工作了之后都是itemized deduction吧。 捐款都是能
: 够tax deduct的。
: 当学生的时候少捐钱也是正常的。
: 另外用standard deduction的一般收入相对不多,多数都没有股票,所以也没法用捐股
: 票来避capital gain。
: 大部分的捐款都是来自相对富裕的捐款人,很多人的边际税率都达到了33%以上,捐100
: 快钱,相当于扣除66块钱。当然太有钱了就要交AMT的话,实际成本就会比66快钱多了。
: deduction.
: 900
23 楼
共和党想要罢免Obama了。中途岛海战 日军惨败今天是我生命里很特别的一天国殇日致哀 - 龙的传人 (转载)“六四”:枪声一响变偷为抢zz看“共铲裆”六四之前的意淫香港維園15萬人暴雨中紀念6420130604 三联生活周刊收到炸弹包裹有谁记得89年前的中学政治课本被汉人遗忘的辉煌-----歼灭满洲官兵人数最多的厦门大海战 (ZT) (转载)2013.6.05-----天涯最新爆料,孙铊的出境记录你自慰吗?惊现各种神回复! (转载)开怀大笑帮你减肥城管执法人员双脚跳起猛跺倒地商户新浪微博的蜡烛[合集] 看完这几张相片,作为一个大男人我止不住自己的眼泪stillwell被打脸的帖子被删了?国殇日致哀 - 罗文“中国梦” (转载)朱令案正反两方嫌疑人分析[合集] 查查占道小贩的秤砣就知道她的人品