[合集] 通过 FCC Complaint 调查 Jimmy Kimmel 节目
[合集] 通过 FCC Complaint 调查 Jimmy Kimmel 节目# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
firekimmel (Fire Kimmel) 于 (Mon Oct 28 00:37:26 2013, 美东) 提到:
剧本的,Federal Communications Commission (FCC)有必要调查 Kill Everyone In
China 这句台词的用意。大多数人认为这句话有严重的种族歧视 (racial
discrimination) 及煽动性。
FCC在接到观众投诉后会进行调查,比如 2004年的 Janet Jackson Wardrobe
Malfunction 导致了50万件投诉。如果调查结果认为违规,FCC会处以罚款。
-->Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite
-->Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include
Obscene, Profane or Indecent material)
今年6月,Food Network 因为一个带有种族色彩的字(甚至不是句子)取消了 Paula
Deen 的节目。即使Kimmel 可以保住工作,该节目的策划、编辑等相关人员也需要承担
beautifulday (lala) 于 (Mon Oct 28 23:07:19 2013, 美东) 提到:
yapple (稳似泰山共携手,陶然一笑友情深) 于 (Mon Oct 28 23:14:35 2013, 美东) 提到:
skysurfer (sky) 于 (Mon Oct 28 23:20:43 2013, 美东) 提到:
plko (plko) 于 (Mon Oct 28 23:33:33 2013, 美东) 提到:
I will be happy to file a complaint. However, I do not have detailed
information to fill out the form.
tobuto (tobuto) 于 (Tue Oct 29 00:02:22 2013, 美东) 提到:
Step 1. Open
Step 2: Choose Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues click "
Step 3: Choose Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT
include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material) click "next"
Step 4: Under "Online Form - Recommended Method", click "Complete the form"
Step 5: It will bring you to
In Consumer Information Section
These information is required:
First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zipcode, email address
In Form 2000E
1. Name of the company: ABC
2. N/A
3. N/A
4.a Network: ABC
4.b Program name: Jimmy Kimmel Show
4.c Date of program: 10/16/2013
4.d Leave empty
5.a Leave empty
5.b Leave empty
5.c Limited under 1000 characters
Here is a template
I am furious about the Kids Table - Government shut down from Jimmy Kimmel
Live. It was suggested by one of the children that killing all Chinese would
solve the debt problem for the US, and EVERYONE including the adult host is
laughing about it. The host even commented that "This is interesting!"
The comment "Killing all the Chinese" is NOT a joke, no matter who says it.
It is totally unacceptable. Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network should know
this "Killing all the Chinese" comment is offensive and racist.
Jimmy Kimmel and the ABC network sends a very clear bad message that it is "
interesting" to kill all the people to whom you owe money. Publicly talking
about and laughing about genocide. It is immoral, illegal and inhumane.
A formal apology must be issued by ABC and Jimmy Kimmel to ALL of its
viewers, not just those who are Chinese, because this is promoting hatred,
racism and genocide. ABC should fire Jimmy Kimmel and anyone else
responsible for letting this happen.
After filling the form, click submit
kangg (kangg) 于 (Tue Oct 29 00:14:13 2013, 美东) 提到:

bigL (never saw a wild thing sorry for itself) 于 (Tue Oct 29 00:24:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
hellokitty87 (timeWillTell) 于 (Tue Oct 29 00:31:19 2013, 美东) 提到:
lifesmile (上善若水) 于 (Tue Oct 29 00:58:21 2013, 美东) 提到:
ruiqilin (瑞麒麟) 于 (Tue Oct 29 01:00:30 2013, 美东) 提到:
Just did. I'd change one thing though. Under Step Two -- Category we should
Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include Obscene,
Profane or Indecent material)
not the Obscene, Profane or Indecent material choice.
rhabdomere (rhabdomere) 于 (Tue Oct 29 01:00:38 2013, 美东) 提到:
Just did it. It is very easy by following your instructions. Here is what I
wrote in 5c:
This is the most disgusting program I have ever watched. How could you allow
the kids to "kill" people in another country as a way to solve the debt
problem? What kind of message is ABC and Mr. Kimmel trying to convey? Don't
we already have enough killing and shooting in this country?
ABC and Mr. Kimmel should formally apologize!
nicolson (nicolson) 于 (Tue Oct 29 01:21:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
submitted 10/29/2013, reference number 13-C00536342.
ruiqilin (瑞麒麟) 于 (Tue Oct 29 01:40:43 2013, 美东) 提到:
This is my full complaint in 5c. Feel free to copy and paste. It really
takes a few minutes to complete. Please click on the link above and file a
complaint. We can make this work!
I am writing to you to express my grave concern and outrage over the
Kids Table segment of the Jimmy Kimmel Live show aired on October 16, 2013.
During the segment, it was suggested that killing every one in China would
be a solution to the U.S. debt problem. I am appalled and disturbed by the
host Jimmy Kimmel's response that it was an interesting idea. He later
further commented "Should we allow the Chinese to live?"
I question the intentions and judgement of ABC Network, and the Jimmy Kimmel
Live show's host and producers to produce, record and air this segment
which clearly contained racially biased language. I further believe the
broadcasting of such hate speech against any people or group of people is
I strongly condemn ABC Network and the Jimmy Kimmel Live show for this
biased, unfair and illegal broadcast, and call on the FCC to launch a
thorough investigation into this incident.
yasong (喵酱) 于 (Tue Oct 29 02:16:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
submitted. ref number is 13-C00536357.
powerpower (屁股) 于 (Tue Oct 29 02:26:44 2013, 美东) 提到:
freshfr (伽陵频迦) 于 (Tue Oct 29 03:51:28 2013, 美东) 提到:
Re,will do it tomorrow
superpro (superpro) 于 (Tue Oct 29 06:54:14 2013, 美东) 提到:
Just did. Fairly easy. Thank you for sharing
xiaomaogua (xiaomaogua) 于 (Tue Oct 29 09:45:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
support. just did it.
seesnowman (wachdog) 于 (Tue Oct 29 09:48:51 2013, 美东) 提到:
filed. reference number 13-C00536427.
phoebuson (卡吸墨多) 于 (Tue Oct 29 10:02:04 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536440. Done
bigkids (kid) 于 (Tue Oct 29 10:36:21 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536465
Maisy (宝宝和乖乖) 于 (Tue Oct 29 10:41:04 2013, 美东) 提到:
good idea.
done. 13-C00536471
Gwinnett (County) 于 (Tue Oct 29 10:53:11 2013, 美东) 提到:
Copy and revise a little bit.
I feel sad and angry about the Kids Table - Government shut down from Jimmy
Kimmel Live. It was suggested by one of the children that killing all
Chinese would solve the debt problem for the US.
Jimmy Kimmel Live show manipulated innocent child to make this offensive,
racist comments.
This is totally unacceptable.
ABC and Jimmy Kimmel must make a formal apology to ALL of its viewers. This
program promote hatred, racism and genocide. And stop manipulating children.
The six year old boy did not even know what’s going on and this event will
impact and hurt him for a long time. ABC should fire Jimmy Kimmel and
anyone else responsible for letting this happen.
jeepgc (开破车住旧房~~~) 于 (Tue Oct 29 10:54:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
did it, thank you.
butterflygar (butterflygarden) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:02:14 2013, 美东) 提到:
I am highly disturbed and offended by the Jimmy Kimmel Show - the Kids Table
aired on 10/16/2013 on ABC. In that show one of the children suggested
killing everyone in China in order for U.S. to avoid paying back its debt.
The host Jimmy Kimmel called it "an interesting idea" and went on asking "
should we allow the Chinese to live?" Publicly talking about and laughing
about genocide, to me, is highly immoral, inhumane and illegal. By
suggesting genocide as an interesting idea, the host and the network behind
him promoted hatred and racism to all young audience which is the future of
this country. I believe that this show has clearly violated FCC's regulation
about protecting children from obscene, indecent, and profane programming.
Therefore, I request FCC to perform a full investigation of this
broadcasting of the Jimmy Kimmel show and hold the involved party
iweyr (薇笑~) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:19:07 2013, 美东) 提到:
希望大家也可以根据这个步骤 file the complaint. it won't take more than 10
最后会有一个ref #.大家再接再厉!
我的 13-C00536509.
tobuto (tobuto) 的大作中提到: 】
firekimmel (Fire Kimmel) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:21:00 2013, 美东) 提到:
Step 1. Open
Step 2: Choose Broadcast (TV and Radio), Cable, and Satellite Issues click "
Step 3: Choose Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT
include Obscene, Profane or Indecent material) click "next"
Step 4: Under "Online Form - Recommended Method", click "Complete the form"
Step 5: It will bring you to
In Consumer Information Section
These information is required:
First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zipcode, email address
In Form 2000E
1. Name of the company: ABC
2. N/A
3. N/A
4.a Network: ABC
4.b Program name: Jimmy Kimmel Show
4.c Date of program: 10/16/2013
4.d Leave empty
5.a Leave empty
5.b Leave empty
5.c Limited under 1000 characters
The line "Kill everyone in China" in Jimmy Kimmel's show on ABC is blatant
racial discrimination. It also inflames violence. Please investigate why
the script was written, and how it passed the editing and review processes
and was aired eventually. Please release the results of the investigation
to the public. Thank you very much.
fieldcoil (Field Coil) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:28:41 2013, 美东) 提到:
感谢 tobuto 提供教程。
reference number 13-C00536524
afairyland (afairyland) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:39:20 2013, 美东) 提到:
This is a good one.
lukeso2008 (LK) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:48:58 2013, 美东) 提到:
Every parent should be worried about this Jimmy Kimmel Show - the Kids Table
aired on 10/16/2013 on ABC. In that show one of the children suggested
to use genocide to solve the US debt.The host Jimmy Kimmel called it "an
interesting idea" and went on asking "should we allow the Chinese to live?"
We have so many problems now,but we should not encourage kids to use
violence under circumstances. We already have enough school killing so far
this year.I believe that this show has clearly violated FCC's regulation
about protecting children from obscene, indecent, and profane programming.
Therefore, I request FCC to perform a full investigation of this
broadcasting of the Jimmy Kimmel show and hold the involved party
lukeso2008 (LK) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:49:29 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536552.
CHY122 (初一) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:53:17 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536558.
ABC/J.kimmel teach kids killing today,school shooting tomorrow!
boshu2007 (Bernard) 于 (Tue Oct 29 11:55:01 2013, 美东) 提到:
我的改写版本:重点突出了Jimmy Kimmel的言论失当,要求FCC调查节目是否有具有导
I feel offended when I watched Kids Table - Government shut down from Jimmy
Kimmel show broadcast on Oct 16 2013. During the show, one boy suggested
that killing every one in China would be a solution to the U.S. debt problem
, the host Jimmy Kimmel failed to correct that child's hate and killing
opinion during the show, even worse, he followed the child's hate words with
"that's interesting" as the response. Jimmy Kimmel later further commented
"Should we allow the Chinese to live?" Jimmy Kimmel's responses and comments
during the entire show clearly contained racially biased language. I am
offended as a Chinese and I believe the broadcasting of such hate speech
against any people or group of people is
I request FCC investigate into the whole produce and broadcast cycle of the
show. Finding out whether the content-especially hate speech from child is
prescribed, finding out whether anyone in the program and the entire ABC
network failed to meet their law responsibility.
maoqiumina (mqmn) 于 (Tue Oct 29 12:05:15 2013, 美东) 提到:
Done, thanks for the guide, reference number 13-C00536570.
yyxll (小熊) 于 (Tue Oct 29 12:06:20 2013, 美东) 提到:
Just did it.
Reference number 13-C00536575.
tonyboycool (niuniu) 于 (Tue Oct 29 12:17:25 2013, 美东) 提到:
UP, up
just did this.
This is a very good idea.
lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来) 于 (Tue Oct 29 12:36:11 2013, 美东) 提到:
IAYA (平安健康快乐幸福) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:00:40 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536628.
firekimmel (Fire Kimmel) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:02:53 2013, 美东) 提到:
lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:06:30 2013, 美东) 提到:
coolyoung (coolyoung) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:16:20 2013, 美东) 提到:
ref code: 13-C00536640
rottenapple (名媛的最爱) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:32:17 2013, 美东) 提到:
just did. this is the least we should do.
yaomingfun (yaomingfun) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:36:19 2013, 美东) 提到:
submit了!reference number 13-C00536661.
gq2530 (gq2530) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:41:27 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536662
shinystone (点石成金) 于 (Tue Oct 29 13:43:50 2013, 美东) 提到:
elym (elym) 于 (Tue Oct 29 14:11:03 2013, 美东) 提到:
Did it . Up up
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
TharsisMons (Mars) 于 (Tue Oct 29 14:11:50 2013, 美东) 提到:
tinyfatty (happylife) 于 (Tue Oct 29 14:21:23 2013, 美东) 提到:
hamelon (nuonuo) 于 (Tue Oct 29 14:40:48 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536734.
jameslee435 (济南秦琼) 于 (Tue Oct 29 14:45:45 2013, 美东) 提到:
ref # 13-C00536741
CHY122 (初一) 于 (Tue Oct 29 14:48:23 2013, 美东) 提到:
Thank you for your inquiry.
We offer our sincere apology. We would never purposefully broadcast anything
to upset the Chinese community, Asian community, anyone of Chinese descent
or any community at large. Our objective is to entertain. We took swift
action to minimize the distribution of the skit by removing it from all our
platforms and editing it out of any future airings of the show. We hope our
actions and our apology effectively address your concerns. Thank you for
bringing this to our attention.
This email has been sent to you from an outbound email account that will not
accept inbound mail. Therefore, please do not respond to this email.
Best Regards,
ABC Television Network Audience Relations
Note: The Company’s long-established policy does not allow us to accept for
review or consideration any ideas, suggestions, or creative materials not
solicited by us or our subsidiaries. Therefore, in the event that you have
submitted such content, please be advised that the submission has been
forwarded to the Company’s legal department for handling.
laoselang (laoselang) 于 (Tue Oct 29 14:59:48 2013, 美东) 提到:
linchuang (临床上) 于 (Tue Oct 29 15:10:37 2013, 美东) 提到:
reference number 13-C00536770.
GoBlue (Wolverines) 于 (Tue Oct 29 15:20:27 2013, 美东) 提到:
When education encourages diversity and the world needs more peace than
killings. Jimmy Kimmel Show instead encourages killing when a kid said "kill
everyone in China", to which Jimmy Kimmel made an indirect endorsement.
I would like to question this broadcasting. We know that Jimmy Kimmel couldn
't say these words publicly by himself, but he used a kid to say what he
liked to express in his program. Although we should not make any unrealistic
assumption, but I still would like to assume: could we “kill everyone in
any country such as Israel, Middle Eastern countries or even Iran", or just
say "kill black people, or Indian, or Jews, or any other racial minority"?
You won't allow it, me neither. But, why I as a member of Chinese community
should tolerate this racial killing threat?
Should we encourage mutual racial hatred? I believe you have the answer. He
is childish, but the aftermath isn't under his control. He and the ABC
should take the responsibility and need to be punished.
FCC Submission Confirmation: 2000E
Acknowledgement of Submission from xxxxxxx on 10/29/2013, reference number
Thank you for your information. The FCC will contact you if additional
information is required. Please keep this information for future reference.
aplay (aplay) 于 (Tue Oct 29 15:37:36 2013, 美东) 提到:
Done. Thanks for the template.
DORASTAR2008 (Dora2008) 于 (Tue Oct 29 15:56:40 2013, 美东) 提到:
timemachine2 (流光飞舞) 于 (Tue Oct 29 16:17:24 2013, 美东) 提到:
"Kids Table - Government shut down" of Jimmy Kimmel Live Show's racist
comment of killing all people in china should be officially investigated. As
a public broadcasting TV station, such contents cearly violated pertinent
regulations and policies. We, Chinese community, demand an investigation be
conducted. Once violation is found, actions shall be taken to correct this
FCC Submission Confirmation: 2000E
Acknowledgement of Submission from timemachine2 on 10/29/2013, reference
number 13-C00536833.
Thank you for your information. The FCC will contact you if additional
information is required. Please keep this information for future reference.
RHYTHM11 (RHYTHM) 于 (Tue Oct 29 16:23:46 2013, 美东) 提到:
lunchbreak (考不上印度理工,才到麻省理工来) 于 (Tue Oct 29 16:25:24 2013, 美东) 提到:
lovealice123 (lovealice123) 于 (Tue Oct 29 16:41:34 2013, 美东) 提到:
woodbear (木头熊) 于 (Tue Oct 29 16:45:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
有人回复说选项选错了,我把那个回复贴在下面了。看楼主的instruction, 建议选另
-->Unauthorized, unfair, biased, illegal broadcasts (does NOT include
Obscene, Profane or Indecent material)
发信人: Tesla (Halo), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: FCC Complain回信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Oct 29 12:03:25 2013, 美东)
不得不说,你的投诉选项错了。不应该选“concerning free speech”,而是"
Profanity"。因为他的言论是种族仇视言论,而不是阻碍free speech.
JourneyUp (异乡人) 于 (Tue Oct 29 16:52:12 2013, 美东) 提到:
SetTimer (RumorKiller) 于 (Tue Oct 29 17:22:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
very good idea and concrete action.
Caelian (Caelian) 于 (Tue Oct 29 17:37:36 2013, 美东) 提到:
ref no. 13-C00536896.
tianjinger (jinger) 于 (Tue Oct 29 17:49:04 2013, 美东) 提到:
doudoudou11 (doudoudou11) 于 (Tue Oct 29 17:50:41 2013, 美东) 提到:
did it!
manolin (manolin) 于 (Tue Oct 29 18:02:08 2013, 美东) 提到:
foralice (foralice) 于 (Tue Oct 29 18:25:47 2013, 美东) 提到:
Complaint Submission Error
We are unable to process your request. Please try again later.

anybody else?
Keratitis (大黄) 于 (Tue Oct 29 18:41:09 2013, 美东) 提到:
We are unable to process your request. Please try again later.
dexter (哏儿--其乐融融) 于 (Tue Oct 29 18:53:14 2013, 美东) 提到:
same here
kristenyali (JINGJING) 于 (Tue Oct 29 19:40:42 2013, 美东) 提到:
The normal FCC website is temporarily unavailable due to technical
difficulties. We are working to restore the full FCC website back to normal
as soon as possible.
chenchen (lovely) 于 (Tue Oct 29 19:57:42 2013, 美东) 提到:
freshfr (伽陵频迦) 于 (Tue Oct 29 20:02:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
GFF (果子) 于 (Tue Oct 29 21:10:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
我也不能提交,可以填一个和online form 类似pdf文件,发email 或 fax给他们。 我
pdf 版本
ABC allows outrageous racist and genocide comments "killing all chinese"
being aired and the host encourage such comments with laughing and saying “
this is interesting" and further promoting killing and genocide to children
by asking "should we allow chinese to live"
yoohaa (优哈优哈~~) 于 (Tue Oct 29 21:13:18 2013, 美东) 提到:
We are unable to process your request. Please try again later.
yuxiaohong (unique) 于 (Tue Oct 29 21:21:32 2013, 美东) 提到:
I failed to submit the complain. The message on FCC was " We are unable to
process your request. Please try again later." How to deal with it?
I modified the complain as follows:
I was upset and outrageous about the Kids Table - Government shut down from
Jimmy Kimmel Live. It was suggested by one of the children that killing all
Chinese would resolve the debt problem for the US, and EVERYONE including
the adult host is laughing about it. The host even commented that "This is
interesting!", and then asked "should we allow the Chinese to live?"
The comment "Killing all the Chinese" is NEITHER a joke NOR a humor, no
matter who says it. It is unacceptable. The same rhetoric was used in Nazi
Germany against Jewish people.
In fact, the ABC and Jimmy Kimmel are teaching kids to kill people as a way
to resolve the problem. Teaching kids to kill today, much school shooting
A formal apology must be issued by ABC and Jimmy Kimmel to ALL of its
viewers, not just those who are Chinese, because both ABC and Jimmy Kimmel
are promoting hatred, racism and genocide. ABC should fire Jimmy Kimmel and
anyone else responsible for letting this happen.
PhDPharmD (lala) 于 (Tue Oct 29 21:32:31 2013, 美东) 提到:
"We are unable to process your request. Please try again later."

i got this. what's wrong?
ptx (ptx) 于 (Tue Oct 29 21:38:53 2013, 美东) 提到:
lwhz20022002 (puddle) 于 (Tue Oct 29 22:18:30 2013, 美东) 提到:
Same as several above,
"We are unable to process your request. Please try again later.
MC2010 (daydream) 于 (Tue Oct 29 22:24:15 2013, 美东) 提到:
firekimmel (Fire Kimmel) 于 (Tue Oct 29 23:07:46 2013, 美东) 提到:
"We are unable to process your request. Please try again later."
可能是投诉太多,FCC 系统一时无法处理。
bluesky2013 (天蓝蓝) 于 (Tue Oct 29 23:09:11 2013, 美东) 提到:
feelslike (feelslike) 于 (Wed Oct 30 00:33:00 2013, 美东) 提到:
tingfengkeyu (莲花下的浮萍) 于 (Wed Oct 30 10:51:34 2013, 美东) 提到:
just submitted, reference number
xishuibian59 (知足是福气) 于 (Wed Oct 30 12:33:49 2013, 美东) 提到:
Ding, will do.
saculaki (会游泳的鱼) 于 (Wed Oct 30 16:40:39 2013, 美东) 提到:
Done, very easy to do! Support!
chenchen (lovely) 于 (Wed Oct 30 18:28:08 2013, 美东) 提到:
melatonin (melatonin) 于 (Wed Oct 30 18:52:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
feitian (卡死拍死) 于 (Thu Oct 31 10:50:09 2013, 美东) 提到:
顶起! done already!
Sillybean (lele) 于 (Thu Oct 31 10:51:56 2013, 美东) 提到:
今明两天一定FILE 一份。
coldwest (leaf) 于 (Thu Oct 31 16:06:50 2013, 美东) 提到:
Done. reference number 13-C00537521.