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Has Coke's secret recipe been uncovered?
By Vidya Rao
The only secret more closely guarded than Kate Middleton’s wedding dress
designer is the recipe for Coca-Cola, specifically, the ingredients in the
mythic flavoring mixture known as Merchandise 7X.
On Friday, This American Life reported that they came across a 1979
newspaper article that showed what seemed to be the original recipe for Coke.
Buried on page 2B of the Feb. 18, 1979, edition of the Atlanta Journal-
Constitution, a columnist reported finding the recipe, written by hand in a
pharmacist’s notebook – not so strange considering Coke was invented by
pharmacist John Pemberton and originally sold in pharmacies. The notebook
had allegedly been passed down by various pharmacists and was in the hands
of Everett Beal at the time the column was written.
Investigative reporter Mark Pendergrast, who wrote “For God, Country & Coca
-Cola” in 1993, told the radio program that “only two people at any given
time know how to mix the 7X flavoring ingredient … it’s this carefully
passed on secret ritual.”
Pendergrast published a purported recipe for Coke in his book, but the
company has always denied that it was accurate. ThisAmericanLife.org shares
the recipe from Everett Beal’s book, and notes that all ingredients can be
bought online and that they’ll post the full instructions soon.
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