gay现在能做的只能是重复谎言.# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
发信人: yourtt (rainmaker), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: GAY 讨论总结
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 20 16:15:55 2009, 美东)
the only thing those gay activists can do right now is trying to repeat lies
again and again, hopefully to hoodwink more people into their propaganda,
even those lies have been totally debunked,
I am sure we will be seeing those lies get repeated again and again from
this board or anywhere else, this post will help people to pick up certain
lies quickly and avoid dog fighting while the truth getting lost in no where.
things such as 例如:
1) if there is no born gay, what is it?
the answer is already there, which is people dont know yet.
What causes a person to have a particular sexual orientation?
There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an
individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation.
Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal,
developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no
findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual
orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think
that nature and nurture both play complex roles; most people experience
little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation.
2) separate but equal
this is for people who born with sth, such as black people, they dont choose
to be black.
but a lot of cases might be that gay people who choose their gay life style,
even tho they themselves self-claimed as born gay. then why do i have to
agree with your life style as gay, just as i dont have to agree with your
life style if you
choose to be prostitute, or smoker, not even mentioning teaching these
things in the school.
3) no example of gay has ever been converted?
of course there are, tons of them. Just because of the issue of political
correctness, it did not get reported that much.
Here is one recent example
Once a gay icon, Kerry Pacer is now in love with a man and raising a
ATLANTA — In December 2005, Kerry Pacer, then 17, graced the cover of
national LGBT magazine The Advocate as its “Person of the Year” — making
her the youngest gay person to achieve that honor. The title put her
alongside other past “Persons of the Year,” a list of gay luminaries that
includes “Angels in America” playwright Tony Kushner, Bishop Gene Robinson
and Rosie O’Donnell.
Pacer earned the national honor after she and the ACLU successfully sued
White County High School in federal court to force the rural North Georgia
school district to allow a gay-straight alliance to form. Administrators had
tried numerous ways to keep a “gay” club out of the school, including an
attempt to terminate all extra-curricular clubs.
Now 21, Pacer remains in Cleveland, Ga., a small town with a population of
approximately 2,500 that is best known as the birthplace of the Cabbage
Patch dolls. It’s the same city where she went to high school, the same
city where she and her friends fought so hard to ensure a safe space for gay
students and their allies to gather on campus. But today she lives with her
boyfriend, a construction worker, and their baby daughter, Marley, who
turns 1 year old on Saturday.