看看老外如何评价《建党伟业》# WaterWorld - 未名水世界
Los Angeles Times
"An opening title card announces that the new film "Beginning of the Great
Revival" was made "in commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the birth of
the Communist Party of China." Unfortunately, the movie never overcomes the
dutiful weight that implies."
"A companion piece to the 2009 feature "The Founding of a Republic," "Great
Revival" is in many ways the very definition of propaganda — it even ends
with an image of a waving flag — but "Revival" is too harmlessly flabby to
be taken quite that seriously."
New York Times
"Anyone unfamiliar with the history may be dazed by the dense condensation
of events."
"Revival" is a proud statement by an ascendant society. But it demonstrates
that mainstream Chinese cinema can be as guilty of self-indulgent
overstatement as anything out of the West."
National Post
"Ideally, a historical film draws you into the period it’s chronicling with
a balance of characterization and pageantry. Considering Beginning of the
Great Revival is a commemorative film, perhaps there’s a reason its
ambitious scope and lack of storytelling end up making it more of a history
lesson. But whether you’re there to see stars or see red, there’s no
reviving this lame-duck epic."
The Hollywood Reporter
"The highly-charged crowd scenes in which dissidents clash with authorities
are staged with visual flair, conveying an exhilarating sense of self-
empowerment which is the essence of revolution."
The Seattle Times
"Perhaps the translation is at fault here, but why does the dialogue
consistently do so little to flesh out the characters?"
SLANT Magazine
"A muddled would-be epic of the Chinese Communist Party's founding, this all
-star propaganda pageant plays like an incoherent lesson plan."
Film Journal
"I viewed the film with an entirely Asian crowd, crackling with pre-
screening pride and anticipation. Yet the ending brought just a smattering
of polite applause. We were so barraged by data we didn’t care if it was
propaganda, nationalism or something from the History Channel. You may hate
Birth of a Nation or Triumph of the Will, but they were never boring. Going
in, I wanted to know more about China—who doesn’t these days?--but I
learned so much, I forgot everything. "


【在 f*********0 的大作中提到】
: ===============
: Los Angeles Times
: "An opening title card announces that the new film "Beginning of the Great
: Revival" was made "in commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the birth of
: the Communist Party of China." Unfortunately, the movie never overcomes the
: dutiful weight that implies."
: "A companion piece to the 2009 feature "The Founding of a Republic," "Great
: Revival" is in many ways the very definition of propaganda — it even ends
: with an image of a waving flag — but "Revival" is too harmlessly flabby to
: be taken quite that seriously."
