2 楼
I had similar problem months ago, and no one helped me here. :(
I figured out by myself though. It may work for you.
Righ click on the top of your IE browser right below the website area,you
will see choices like 'menu bar, links, status bar.....', I guess you menu
bar is checked, but you don't have it in your browser, and you can't check/
uncheck it. So, check the 'links', or uncheck it. Then magic happens, you
can check/uncheck 'menu bar'. I don't know why. But I reallized, recently,
my IE or
I figured out by myself though. It may work for you.
Righ click on the top of your IE browser right below the website area,you
will see choices like 'menu bar, links, status bar.....', I guess you menu
bar is checked, but you don't have it in your browser, and you can't check/
uncheck it. So, check the 'links', or uncheck it. Then magic happens, you
can check/uncheck 'menu bar'. I don't know why. But I reallized, recently,
my IE or
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