学校的服务器Windows Server 2003,没有装中文,IE 都可不了中文 一个普通用户,除了自己的文件夹,没有任何其他权限 有办法让IE 显示中文吗? 输入法等都无所谓了 谢谢
2 楼
this is the method I used, see if it works for u: 1. copy Chinese fonts(such as simsun, mingliu) to your folder(make a specific font folder for them). 2. go to control panel, fonts, file/install fonts, change "drives", "folders " until u r at ur own font folder,then u will see the available fonts in "List of Fonts", select them, uncheck "copy fonts to font folder", then OK. Then you should be able to read chinese in IE.