今天有点。。。 比较郁闷(二)
今天有点。。。 比较郁闷(二)# Working - 上班一族
From the situation in (-), what advice you guys can provide? As a minority
individual, how to survive and deal with tough situations like/unlike this?
I'm glad that at least my direct boss has been very supportive to me. I've
always been polite and subtle when speaking to people or in emails. But I would
stick to my rule, while, at least try to. But there are always things like
this, people arroganat like this.
How would you deal with them?
arrogant people? try to avoid them... my current director and I have horrible
relationship, any way, he has horrible relationship with everybody except one
stupid american, who is his type... very much into everyhing OOP, talk about
pretty structure and never get any code out without huge bugs... they work
hard and work over time, since they have too dumb to figure out what the
fuck is in wrong in their NICE, ELEGANT code, which cant work after 12 releases
from them.. LOL
any way, luckily my gro

【在 y****i 的大作中提到】
: From the situation in (-), what advice you guys can provide? As a minority
: individual, how to survive and deal with tough situations like/unlike this?
: I'm glad that at least my direct boss has been very supportive to me. I've
: always been polite and subtle when speaking to people or in emails. But I would
: stick to my rule, while, at least try to. But there are always things like
: this, people arroganat like this.
: How would you deal with them?
