Re: 刚工作需要注意什么?
Re: 刚工作需要注意什么?# Working - 上班一族
But some times it is difficult to keep your idea, because the work need
collabration. After that, people just for example, write a paper together. I
feel it is not important to show who first think of this idea. The more
important is your group can finish the work very well, because leaders have
little time to consider this kinds of tricky things. After some time, you will
find these things are really tricky too(for example, whose idea this is,
because most ideas are just one or two papers, no o
I agree with your point. But there is something else.
If you worked very hard with your team member, Tom, to get project A done.
After several months, at the christmas party, your team member get a huge
bonus.While you do not.
The big guy in company makes the toast:
"For Tom's solo effort on project A!"
Even worse, one day you are talking with Mike in a different team.
Mike suddenly mentioned: "John in your group is so great, you know he
complished project A!"
This is a very common phonomenon am

【在 r*****r 的大作中提到】
: But some times it is difficult to keep your idea, because the work need
: collabration. After that, people just for example, write a paper together. I
: feel it is not important to show who first think of this idea. The more
: important is your group can finish the work very well, because leaders have
: little time to consider this kinds of tricky things. After some time, you will
: find these things are really tricky too(for example, whose idea this is,
: because most ideas are just one or two papers, no o


还有啊, 除了开初的IDEA, 以后的成果也重要的很.
再举个例子, (觉得偶太爱举例子了, 别见怪)
老板送了俩个人去外地出差: MIKE和JOHN.
MIKE总说, 不急, 不急, 有的是时间.
JOHN等不急, 还是干. 因此和MIKE有冲突: JOHN说这样干, 并干了.
MIKE说, 不对, 应该那样干.
一个星期后, 活干完了.
下午的飞机回去. JOHN说, 打个电话给老板吧?
MIKE说, 不急, 不急, 先吃了LUNCH. 老板不也吃LUNCH吗?
吃完LUNCH, JOHN的留言机里老板在表扬MIKE, 并提到, JOHN不很和同组成员合作.
JOHN回来, 气的都快爆炸了.
几个星期后, 还是外地的人联系老板, 才知道JOHN是多么的能干.
hmhm, have to disagree on this one. Listen more talk less during the first
couple of months. You have to figure out what is going on in the office first,
before you can really fight for yourself. 熟话说:知己知彼,百战百胜。Based on
my own experience and observation, those ones start with big talks (sometime
just too much talk) are the ones who everyone hates later on. I won't say
talking is the essential, but communication. We need to be assertive and
confident at all time, but NEVER overdo it -- just my 2