用EAD 延续驾照?# Working - 上班一族
1 楼
I am in the field of biophysics, more specifically biomechanics. I have
extensive experience with AFM, optical trap, magnetic tweezers; eukaryotic
cell and bacterial biomechanics.
Now I am in the process of green card application. I need to accumulate my
review experience.
I have reviewed papers from:
1. European Biophysical Journal,
2. Biosensors,
3. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,
4. Journal of Nanomaterials.
Journals that I have publications:
1. biophysical journal,
2. physical biology,
3. Journal of Cell Science;
4. PNAS.
5. PRL
6. Bioarchetecture
However, so far I only have reviewed about 6 papers. Please if you can send
me papers to review. I greatly appreciate that. Please send message to my
email and I can provide my resume later.
Thank you.
extensive experience with AFM, optical trap, magnetic tweezers; eukaryotic
cell and bacterial biomechanics.
Now I am in the process of green card application. I need to accumulate my
review experience.
I have reviewed papers from:
1. European Biophysical Journal,
2. Biosensors,
3. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology,
4. Journal of Nanomaterials.
Journals that I have publications:
1. biophysical journal,
2. physical biology,
3. Journal of Cell Science;
4. PNAS.
5. PRL
6. Bioarchetecture
However, so far I only have reviewed about 6 papers. Please if you can send
me papers to review. I greatly appreciate that. Please send message to my
email and I can provide my resume later.
Thank you.