2 楼
If the company is bankruptcy, then he can claim loss on his individual
If the company is still in operation, and has not paid him anything, he has
nothing to report on his personal return.
When he loaned the money to the company, on the company's book
Dr. Cash
Cr. Loan from shareholder/partner
Cr. Payable to XXX
If the company pays him interest for the loan,on the company's book
Cr. Cash
Dr. Interest Expense
Then he needs to report interest income on his individual return and the
If the company is still in operation, and has not paid him anything, he has
nothing to report on his personal return.
When he loaned the money to the company, on the company's book
Dr. Cash
Cr. Loan from shareholder/partner
Cr. Payable to XXX
If the company pays him interest for the loan,on the company's book
Cr. Cash
Dr. Interest Expense
Then he needs to report interest income on his individual return and the
3 楼
so far什么也做不出来。不影响tax return。
4 楼
got it, Thank you very much.
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