Maine only requires a Bachelor's degree from a Board-approved college or university to sit in the cpa exam. so, yes, you can apply in Maine. no, many jobs do not require CPA license. so you can state in your resume you passed cpa exam but you do not have or did not apply for license in any state. however, if the job requires an active cpa license, even you have passed cpa exam, you still have to meet the requirement for license in the state you apply for. this one i don't know, but i am sure it won't hurt
10 楼
First Come First Served
11 楼
Pat Pat. 不要着急。在快乐来临之前都是灰暗的。不知哪一天你就会发现paper也中了,funding 也拿到了。 :)这是一个很折磨人,也很锻炼人的过程。也许有一天,你会发现自己 到了一个境界,比较的宠辱不惊。其实这也是faculty life教给自己的吧。发文章是一 种所谓的小成功,可以学会Handle这种压力让自己始终积极快乐是一个大成功。Bless you.
你说的不错啊 下面这首歌献给大家和楼主吧 仔细聆听 仔细体味 给自己力量 Always Look on the Bright Side of Life Some things in life are bad, They can really make you mad, Other things just make you swear and curse, When you're chewing life's gristle, Don't grumble, Give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best. And... Always look on the bright side of life. [whistle] Always look on the light side of life. [whistle] If life seems jolly rotten, There's something you've forgotten, And that's to laugh and smile and danc
所言极是啊!我也就是小小地whine一下.在这个乱世能有一份暂时不用担心被裁的工作已是万幸了。 我暗暗猜测我这样的情况在ap里有不少,能一路牛校毕业,之后在研究上春风得意,顺 风顺水的ap也是有相当数量的,但大部分的人我猜还是在现实前不得不低头,苦苦挣扎 。记得很久以前看过Derman的自传《My life as a quant》,他哥大物理系毕业,之后 拖家带口,历经多次博士后,才在科罗拉多大学谋到教职,之后在研究上又是受着煎熬 ,最后辞去教职去了AT&T和投行养家谋生。这是我唯一读过的有描述ap生活的书,感觉 他的前半辈子过得真是挺惨的。 大家还有类似的其他书可以推荐看看吗?