2 楼
Check www.macosxhints.com and there are some solutions to import
the bookmarks. It seems safari will import IE's bookmark the very first time.
Since the IE's favorite is saved as an HTML file in ~/Library/Preferences/
Explorer/Favorites.html, you can export your bookmarks from other
browsers and replace this file. Change the com.apple.safari.plist in ~/Library
/Preferences directory. There is one entry called IEFavoriteWereImported.
Change the value from Yes to No and restart safari.
But the fol
the bookmarks. It seems safari will import IE's bookmark the very first time.
Since the IE's favorite is saved as an HTML file in ~/Library/Preferences/
Explorer/Favorites.html, you can export your bookmarks from other
browsers and replace this file. Change the com.apple.safari.plist in ~/Library
/Preferences directory. There is one entry called IEFavoriteWereImported.
Change the value from Yes to No and restart safari.
But the fol
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