2 楼
1. Launch Disk Copy, convert the DMG to DVD/CD master format.
2. Change the extension to .iso, transfer it to a PC.
3. Use cdrecord to burn the ISO: "cdrecord -dev 0,0,0 -data image.iso"
The iso file actually contains an image of a HFS file system, but cdrecord
just does not check :). People say Nero for windows also works. I did not
try. I tried Easy CD Creator and it did not work though.
I successfully burned a install CD of Panther on my Linux box.
1. Launch Disk Copy, convert the DMG to DVD/CD master format.
2. Change the extension to .iso, transfer it to a PC.
3. Use cdrecord to burn the ISO: "cdrecord -dev 0,0,0 -data image.iso"
The iso file actually contains an image of a HFS file system, but cdrecord
just does not check :). People say Nero for windows also works. I did not
try. I tried Easy CD Creator and it did not work though.
I successfully burned a install CD of Panther on my Linux box.
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4 楼
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