Mozilla Working on 'Junior' Web Browser for iPad
Mozilla Working on 'Junior' Web Browser for iPad# Apple - 家有苹果
Mon, 18 Jun 2012 10:14:12 PDT
Back in mid-2010, Mozilla released Firefox Home, an iOS app designed to sync
users' Firefox histories, bookmarks, and open tabs from their desktops to
their iOS devices. Several months later, Mozilla acknowledged that it had
no plans to bring a full-fledged Firefox browser to iOS, due in part to "
technical and logistical restrictions" that would make it difficult to
create an acceptable user experience on the platform.
While Mozilla apparently still has no desire to try to replicate Firefox on
iOS, The Verge reports that Mozilla has been working on a stripped-down
browser known as "Junior" that is intended to simplify and improve the
browsing experience on iOS.
"So here comes the fun stuff," said Alex Limi as he began discussing the
prototype iPad browser Mozilla has been working on for several months. "We
wanted to make something entirely new. We wanted to look into how we could
reinvent the browser for a new form factor," he said.
Junior offers a full-screen experience for users that forgoes tabs and
relies on a pair of navigation buttons at the side of the screen to access
the browser's functions. Navigation is accomplished through a separate page
showing recently-visited pages, bookmarks, and a unified address/search bar
. Junior also supports the creation of multiple user accounts, recognizing
that the iPad is frequently shared among members of a household.
Mozilla still has a fair amount of work to do on Junior, and thus it will
likely not be making a public appearance for some time, but it could add
another notable browsing name for iOS users to consider as Google has also
been reported to be bringing Chrome to iOS.


【在 w********1 的大作中提到】
: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 10:14:12 PDT
: Back in mid-2010, Mozilla released Firefox Home, an iOS app designed to sync
: users' Firefox histories, bookmarks, and open tabs from their desktops to
: their iOS devices. Several months later, Mozilla acknowledged that it had
: no plans to bring a full-fledged Firefox browser to iOS, due in part to "
: technical and logistical restrictions" that would make it difficult to
: create an acceptable user experience on the platform.
: While Mozilla apparently still has no desire to try to replicate Firefox on
: iOS, The Verge reports that Mozilla has been working on a stripped-down
: browser known as "Junior" that is intended to simplify and improve the
