iphone 5不再是标杆了# Apple - 家有苹果
The iPhone always claimed to "set the bar" based on at least one stand-out
iPhone 4 - Retina display and camera
iPhone 4S - Siri
iPhone 5 - ???
iPhone 5 brings nothing innovative to the table.
I like the $200 price tag. But as for the rest, this sums up how I feel
about the iPhone 5....
"iPhone 5 has LTE, 1GB of RAM, a dual core 1.6GHZ CPU, 720p video camera
from the front facing cam, 1080p recording from the back cam, panorama
support, the ability to take photos while recording video, turn by turn
navigation and a 4 inch screen at 326ppi/1136x640
The Galaxy Nexus has LTE, 1GB of RAM, a dual core 1.2GHZ CPU, 720p video
playback from the front cam, 1080p from the back, panorama support, the
ability to take photos while recording video, turn by turn navigation and a
4.6 inch screen at 316ppi/ 1280x720
The iPhone 5 was unveiled today.
The Galaxy Nexus debuted in November 2011."

【在 w****y 的大作中提到】
: The iPhone always claimed to "set the bar" based on at least one stand-out
: feature:
: iPhone 4 - Retina display and camera
: iPhone 4S - Siri
: iPhone 5 - ???
: iPhone 5 brings nothing innovative to the table.
: I like the $200 price tag. But as for the rest, this sums up how I feel
: about the iPhone 5....
: "iPhone 5 has LTE, 1GB of RAM, a dual core 1.6GHZ CPU, 720p video camera
: from the front facing cam, 1080p recording from the back cam, panorama

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