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Holland Cotter, Basking in the Presence of an Ever-Changing God. New York
Times, Nov 8, 2011
("These forms or incarnations are referred to as avatars. The usual number
given is 10, listed chronologically, as if in evolutionary order. He first
materialized as a giant fish, then as a tortoise, then a wild boar, then
half-human lion. Thereafter he took on fully human forms, as a dwarf named
Vamana, a militant Brahmin named Parashurama, a warrior-prince named Rama,
and a blue-skinned cowherd-playboy named Krishna. In each case the avatar
arrived to set an example of ethical living or to get the world out of a jam
. That certainly was true of the Buddha, who is frequently identified as
avatar No. 9.")
(a) foursquare (adj): "marked by boldness and conviction : forthright foursquare hero>"
(b) The review mentions "the sculptural image of him," Shiva, "as a high-
stepping dancer."
See one of sculptures in Shiva
(c) Opened in 1897 and founded by Augustus Graham, "The Brooklyn Museum is a
private, not-for-profit institution governed by a Board of Trustees,
operating in a building owned by New York City."
Visit: Brooklyn Museum FAQ.
(d) Go to the home page of the Museum and front and central is
"Vishnu: Hinduism's Blue-Skinned Savior
June 24-October 2, 2011"
, with an online photo gallery.
Times, Nov 8, 2011
("These forms or incarnations are referred to as avatars. The usual number
given is 10, listed chronologically, as if in evolutionary order. He first
materialized as a giant fish, then as a tortoise, then a wild boar, then
half-human lion. Thereafter he took on fully human forms, as a dwarf named
Vamana, a militant Brahmin named Parashurama, a warrior-prince named Rama,
and a blue-skinned cowherd-playboy named Krishna. In each case the avatar
arrived to set an example of ethical living or to get the world out of a jam
. That certainly was true of the Buddha, who is frequently identified as
avatar No. 9.")
(a) foursquare (adj): "marked by boldness and conviction : forthright foursquare hero>"
(b) The review mentions "the sculptural image of him," Shiva, "as a high-
stepping dancer."
See one of sculptures in Shiva
(c) Opened in 1897 and founded by Augustus Graham, "The Brooklyn Museum is a
private, not-for-profit institution governed by a Board of Trustees,
operating in a building owned by New York City."
Visit: Brooklyn Museum FAQ.
(d) Go to the home page of the Museum and front and central is
"Vishnu: Hinduism's Blue-Skinned Savior
June 24-October 2, 2011"
, with an online photo gallery.
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流水落花入砚池 (转自望野堂)乔治·弗雷德里克·亨德尔(转自巴洛克音乐殿堂) 我国古代著名瓷窑窑址及特征(转自中国文物) -3-格伦·古尔德 (转自巴罗克音乐殿堂)--5--乌兰诺娃:永恒的舞者 -2- (from netsese)[转载] 群玉别藏 (国立故宫博物院)-东 周 至 汉 代 巴勃罗·卡萨尔斯 (转自巴罗克音乐殿堂)--3--[转载] 龙谱 (国立故宫博物院)--周, 秦汉 --钧瓷 (转自“中国均瓷” )乌兰诺娃:永恒的舞者 -1- (from netsese)巴罗克音乐大师 (转自巴罗克音乐殿堂)--2--德国Re: 中 国 民 间 美 术 信 息 服 务 系 统 --网址介绍《 圣母子 》(转自安格尔画室)[转载] 群玉别藏 (国立故宫博物院)-商 代 至 西 周 鉴赏秘要 (转自中国文物) -2-[转载] 龙谱 (国立故宫博物院)--宋,元 --“心正则笔正”别议 ( 转自中国美术)文房用具 (转自中国文物) -2-[转载] 龙谱 (国立故宫博物院)--新石器时代--乌兰诺娃:永恒的舞者 -3- (from netsese)