高人们也请帮我看看吧# astrology - 星座物语
1 楼
I've decided to join a school in the summer. Just now, another school B I
applied for contacted me for a possible onsite interview. I was phone
interviewed by B earlier this year but was not selected for onsite. School B
is way better than the one I'm going to, although it's not top (or not good
at all in many Da Nius' opinion).
Shall I go to the onsite? If it could start next year, I think I can join B
after staying for one year in my current school for one year.
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.56
applied for contacted me for a possible onsite interview. I was phone
interviewed by B earlier this year but was not selected for onsite. School B
is way better than the one I'm going to, although it's not top (or not good
at all in many Da Nius' opinion).
Shall I go to the onsite? If it could start next year, I think I can join B
after staying for one year in my current school for one year.
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.56