2 楼
Bought in Chicago area. 我本人在底特律, 离开Ford老巢很近. 但是在底特律非常难
以砍价. 所以趁Travel的机会就在芝加哥搞定. 我发现芝加哥很容易砍价. 我的Town
and Country minivan也是几年前在芝加哥买的.颜色也是我和LD都喜欢的.
我顺便买了extended warranty package, $895. In return, the dealer gave me 1.3
% interest rate.
I like to refer. The reward of referral is $50. If you acknowledge my
referral, we can share the reward as $25 to $25.
以砍价. 所以趁Travel的机会就在芝加哥搞定. 我发现芝加哥很容易砍价. 我的Town
and Country minivan也是几年前在芝加哥买的.颜色也是我和LD都喜欢的.
我顺便买了extended warranty package, $895. In return, the dealer gave me 1.3
% interest rate.
I like to refer. The reward of referral is $50. If you acknowledge my
referral, we can share the reward as $25 to $25.
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