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Complications with the investigation into the destruction of Air France
flight AF447 are set to dominate discussions on flight-data retrieval,
aircraft communications and tracking at a high-level ICAO safety conference
this month.
The gathering in Montreal comes a few weeks after France's Bureau d'Enquetes
et d'Analyses published a technical analysis of several potential options
to avoid loss of crucial flight-recorder information in the event of an
aircraft accident at sea.
European representat
flight AF447 are set to dominate discussions on flight-data retrieval,
aircraft communications and tracking at a high-level ICAO safety conference
this month.
The gathering in Montreal comes a few weeks after France's Bureau d'Enquetes
et d'Analyses published a technical analysis of several potential options
to avoid loss of crucial flight-recorder information in the event of an
aircraft accident at sea.
European representat
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very cool
zz 中国27日将在太原发射首颗风云三号气象卫星黑鸟侦察机的老笑话中国航天很厉害超乎想象地困难啊 (转载)Moon Base in the 1960's ?老印也要买新舟60了,北京大学生独立研制的火箭昨完成发射回收美国空军空中加油机订单旁落欧洲 ZZ“嫦娥”将传捷报(ZT)美航飞机急救仪器全部失灵 女乘客飞行途中枉死我国下半年发射神舟七号 释放伴飞小卫星zz (转载)20年赶超波音空客?中国大飞机不需要大跃进热烈祝贺美国成功击毁卫星 (转载)嫦娥照片的争议上了周五最新的Sciencezz 凤凰号成功登陆火星北极 开展90天探测任务恩,发完包子了中国首张月球图片将在探月工程官方网站首发(zt)如果我是航天局长 (转载)告诉大家一个消息 (转载)The Nerd Who Saw Too Much (转载)