我知道一个人,刚去他lab做 postdoc,说he is working really hard, and nearly workaholic.对手下呢,比较严格,但还算fair。至少我认识这人对这个实验室还 比较满意。 至于文章层次的事情,不能一刀切。有时候你开了个题,出了些结果,可由于种种原因 就是做不下去了,或者不想做下去了,那么手里面的数据,总不能烂掉吧。发出来, 说不定谁在做类似的东西,就能拿去用了。
if you are lucky. and a lot of people ARE lucky. I personally know 2 examples: one is a undergrad, part time in lab, 6 month, Science, 1st author. The other one is a chinese postdoc, female, got a project that nobody in the lab wanted, worked half-heartedly on it for 9 month, Nature, just two authors, she and boss.