(1). Coat your 96 well plate with NeutrAvidin or streptavidin, 1ug/well, 100ul/well. Let sit O/N in the fridge or 1 hour in the 37 degree incubator. (2). Biotinylate your whole cell protein using Pierce EZ-link biotinylation kit. (3). After coating the plate with NeutrAvidin or streptavidin, wash once with 1XPBS (200ul/well). Block with blocking solution (1%BSA, 1% milk, 200ul /well). Room temperature, 30 minutes to 1 hour. After blocking step, dump all blocking solutions. (4). Then add your biotinylated whole cell protein (100ul/well). Room temperature, 30-minutes to 1 hour is good enough. (5). Wash with 1XPBS (200ul/well) to remove unbound whole cell protein. Proteins added to the wells subsequently will not be fixed to the wells, as long as they are not biotinylated and they do not bind to any cellular protein.