求助两个载体-pYES2 和pYFP-Nuc!
求助两个载体-pYES2 和pYFP-Nuc!# Biology - 生物学
可以打电话过去问recruiter结果吗? 怕这样不太好
6/29 -7/27, 从匹兹堡到北京往返。
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susan miller Horoscope for Aries:2日011年11月28日
Try not to let a business partner or important client get you down. You
might feel stuck in a rut or stalled in a negotiation with this person.
Perhaps he or she is making unreasonable demands, or you have come to the
realization that you might not be suited to work this closely together. Even
if this alliance has worn out its welcome, it doesn't mean you should allow
yourself to go into a funk over it. Keep your chin up!
susan miller Horoscope for Aries:2日011年11月29日
If possible, you might want to spend time with a friend or acquaintance.
This pal could expand your mind, possibly over lunch or dinner. There could
be talk about spirituality or other cultures, or you might share experiences
about traveling abroad. Whatever you do in a social setting could bring
great satisfaction. In addition, you might enjoy a fantastic opportunity for
media or Internet exposure.
susan miller Horoscope for Aries:2日011年11月30日
A communication you have with an old acquaintance or business contact from
another part of the world will make you smile. The moon will be in your
social eleventh house at a gorgeous angle to Mercury, still retrograde in
your ninth house of mind expansion. You might pick up on a conversation from
the past that hasn't been wrapped up, or you could hear from someone you
haven't spoken to in ages. Either way, you'll be pleased.
susan miller Horoscope for Aries:2日011年12月1日
Grace and power could come together in an extraordinary way for you in
career matters. If you have been working on a major business deal or have
hoped to reach another step up the career ladder, then this could be your
time to act. Venus and Pluto will embrace in your tenth house of honors for
a hefty dose of positive change in your professional world. You could get
exactly what you want.
susan miller Horoscope for Aries:2日011年12月2日
Your ruling planet, Mars, will be touring your house of service so you could
be particularly motivated to lend a helping hand. The fiery energy of Mars
can be perfect for getting the job done. You are a champion at this and
excel at all new ventures. With your ruling planet in this position, this
can also be a marvelous time for a new exercise routine or new health
practice. It only takes about two weeks to establish a new habit, so why not
turn over a new leaf and get moving?
susan miller Horoscope for Aries:2日011年12月3日
Your independent energy may be so strong and dynamic today that it could
intimidate someone in your life who is slightly reticent. He or she might
find it jarring that you fluctuate so rapidly in your actions and in the
expression of your personal goals. You might jump from project to project
with such speed that it might seem as if you are not doing as much as you
should. If someone criticizes your performance, do not take it personally.
susan miller Horoscope for Aries:2日011年12月4日
You could expect to see some rather exceptional events as both Uranus and
the moon align in Aries. The moon, of course, brings up your emotions, and
with Uranus involved you could expect to witness some unexpected displays.
You could have a grand laugh with an old friend who you happen to bump into
at the store or you could receive someone's unwanted opinions as well. These
possibilities can provide you with a sense of electricity that feels quite
real and exciting. You may be tingling with the prospect of an exciting turn
of events at work as Pluto and Venus are both visiting your house of career
. In short, be on the lookout!
susan miller Horoscope for Taurus:2日011年11月28日
You could experience a tense day at the office, particularly if you have any
sort of on the job training to attend. You might rub elbows with the
teacher or person in charge of administering any certification exam. It's
also possible that you won't feel as confident as usual about mastering this
new level of preparation required for your work. Nonsense! Don't give in to
pessimism or feelings of self-doubt. You'll do fine.
susan miller Horoscope for Taurus:2日011年11月29日
Career matters could take center stage. With the moon in your tenth house of
honors at a gorgeous angle to the Sun, in your eighth house of
transformation, you might decide to initiate a fabulous change in your
approach to authority figures. If so, the response could be incredibly
positive. You might decide to display more original and inventive ideas,
which likely will impress a VIP.
susan miller Horoscope for Taurus:2日011年11月30日
It will be a wonderful time to review your retirement package or other
financial benefits offered to you through your company. It's possible that
you'll be able to renegotiate terms or make an investment that is more
beneficial to you. If you and your boss need to have a conversation about
any royalties, dividends, or other monies you obtain not directly from your
paycheck, then you should have that talk today. You'll be glad you did.
susan miller Horoscope for Taurus:2日011年12月1日
Any time spent with a friend in a social activity could help lift your
spirits in a wonderful way. You might belong to a special club or group, and
when you attend your next meeting, you could feel a special kinship with
the members of this organization. Attending this event could draw personal
attention your way. In addition, you might feel more positive than ever
about pursuing a personal goal.
susan miller Horoscope for Taurus:2日011年12月2日
This could be a fantastic time to broaden your view. Both Pluto and Venus
will be stopping in your house of education and travel. Experiences could
have a distinct richness at times such as these. This would be an ideal time
to savor a good book or grasp difficult philosophical concepts. Your
interest in these topics could be quite fulfilling since you may feel
inexplicably drawn to deep spiritual subjects and ideas. You could think of
it as a trip to a museum.
susan miller Horoscope for Taurus:2日011年12月3日
Unresolved feelings or anxieties might creep up today, and if so, you might
need to confront the emotional roller coaster that these feelings could
bring. You would do well to consider why you might be trying to push away
these feelings and worries, instead of openly confronting them. You most
likely will come to realize that sweeping your feelings under the rug and
ignoring them does not work for you; it only serves to intensify the
susan miller Horoscope for Taurus:2日011年12月4日
This week could find you quite curious about learning and finding new ways
to be useful. With Saturn currently sitting in your house of service and
health, you could feel quite content serving others. This may feel quite
expansive and progressive to you, especially as Jupiter will visit Taurus
during this time. Joining in your efforts will be Pluto and Venus as they
align in your house of enlightenment. Perhaps the responsibility of giving
back to the world will allow you to feel more grounded and secure about your
place in the world. In that security could be the gem of enlightenment.
susan miller Horoscope for Gemini:2日011年11月28日
Your sweetheart could make you feel uncomfortable by asking you to reveal
some personal information. If so, you should be able to draw boundaries and
let him or her know that it might be too early in your relationship to share
everything with each other. Perhaps, for example, your love wants you to
divulge more about your long term financial situation. While that might be
an appropriate conversation down the road, today it may feel more intrusive.
Be honest.
susan miller Horoscope for Gemini:2日011年11月29日
You might have a positive development in business that will allow you to
move forward in an international partnership or venture. If you already do
business globally, you could enjoy considerable satisfaction with this part
of your professional path, as well as a possible reward. In addition, if you
have any type of legal matter to attend to, it could be a favorable day to
speak to your attorney or other legal representative.
susan miller Horoscope for Gemini:2日011年11月30日
Your partner might inform you that he or she intends to resume previously
stalled studies. The new twist, however, is that you'll be invited to be a
study partner, and if you accept, the chances are you'll enjoy it immensely.
The two of you may be drawn closer together through your intellectual
pursuits. You're a sign that thrives on thinking and learning, so for you
this will be a slice of heaven!
susan miller Horoscope for Gemini:2日011年12月1日
It could be a potent day for joint financial matters. The universe seems to
have placed you on the throne of power, which could allow you to get your
way with terms on a loan, mortgage, or a significant business venture. If
you have any settlement or inheritance money owed to you, you might see a
payout. Although you might have experienced a power struggle surrounding
these resources, the outcome should be positive for you.
susan miller Horoscope for Gemini:2日011年12月2日
The family may be your top priority as Mars moves through your house of home
. Perhaps you will be motivated to redecorate a room or at least clear out
that closet that could be bursting with tag sale items. In fact, this might
be a perfect time to reevaluate what you value versus what is disposable. A
lighter load of material things makes the journey easier. Surely someone
could use that which you no longer need.
susan miller Horoscope for Gemini:2日011年12月3日
The final straw in your relationship with a friend may be his or her mood
swings. You might decide that you have had enough of the highs and lows,
especially the lows, which could make you particularly uneasy. Be honest
with your pal. Tell him or her that you understand the mood swings, but you
will not accept that as an excuse for any abrasive treatment. You certainly
should not be the brunt of his or her ill treatment.
susan miller Horoscope for Gemini:2日011年12月4日
You should not be surprised if you have a rather lively conversation this
week. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be joining the Sun in your house of
relationships, so you should not be at all surprised if you are in a chatty
mood with your significant other. Of course, you do love to talk anyway, so
that's no surprise, but with Mars in your house of family, your
conversations could involve decisions regarding elders or newborns or any
family connection. Mars will be in Virgo, which shares your ruling planet,
so be careful with your tone and try to sidestep criticizing or casting
susan miller Horoscope for Cancer:2日011年11月28日
If there's a stressful situation at home, you might not feel as if you can
go to your spouse or partner to help put you at ease. Perhaps you believe
that he or she won't be receptive to your feelings, and if so, you'll choose
to keep your emotions bottled up. This approach will only serve to enhance
your tension rather than help resolve family matters. Talk to your partner,
and remember that you're in a relationship. Relate.
susan miller Horoscope for Cancer:2日011年11月29日
If you have considered investigating your options for a current health issue
, the timing could be right to begin this process. The moon in your eighth
house of regeneration will connect beautifully to the Sun in your sixth
house of health. Finding the best doctor or other health care professional
to help you on this journey could be easier than you might think.
susan miller Horoscope for Cancer:2日011年11月30日
You are likely to see a positive shift at the office. You might have a
conversation with a co-worker that allows your relationship to get back on
track and focused on business at hand instead of meaningless gossip. If you
see that any of this kind of thing has been any of that going on recently,
you'll be thrilled to know that a resolution is likely. In addition, you'll
do some of your best revisions and editing work today. Ahhh, relief!
susan miller Horoscope for Cancer:2日011年12月1日
You and your partner might decide to take extreme measures in your
relationship, and if so, your actions could lead you to a more empowered
union. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, will link up next to Pluto,
the planet of depth, now in your seventh house. Pluto tends to take whatever
it touches and makes it extreme. This might manifest as a profound
dedication to your mate that could strengthen your relationship.
susan miller Horoscope for Cancer:2日011年12月2日
You should not be surprised if you find yourself in a rather heavy
conversation with your significant other. Both Venus and Pluto will be
chatting in your house of relationships and perhaps they will be bringing a
few interesting topics to the surface. Are you ready to commit? Are you
ready to part ways? These types of questions are common under this alignment
. With Venus involved, the theme could be one of expanding your role and
being more involved.
susan miller Horoscope for Cancer:2日011年12月3日
You boss may show a sudden change in demeanor that could leave you feeling
uneasy. Perhaps he or she will become assertive in a way that could make you
feel a need to go on the offensive. This could be a passing mood swing, but
if it becomes an ongoing issue, it might be too unsettling to continue
along an uncertain career path. Perhaps the universe is whispering to you
that you should check out new professional options.
susan miller Horoscope for Cancer:2日011年12月4日
A potentially exciting week will be ahead for you as Uranus and the moon
align in your house of career. With Uranus involved you should expect the
unexpected and be open to the possibilities that come as a result. The
workplace holds a significant part of your daily routine, so it might be
wise to pay attention. You might be trying to find the right balance between
your family and your work obligations as Saturn hovers in your house of
home. Saturn can help to hold you accountable, which can provide you with
some security and solace. Your workplace associations will also be important
to track as Jupiter enters your house of groups.
susan miller Horoscope for Leo:2日011年11月28日
Take care not to overdo it today since "workaholic" tendencies might be
overly abundant for you. It's possible that you'll feel buried in paperwork,
a writing assignment, or contract negotiations. Or, you could simply have a
day of endless meetings, conference calls, and computer work. Whatever the
case, you might justify not allowing yourself to get any breaks just to keep
up with the demands being made on your time. Allow yourself a breather -
you deserve it.
susan miller Horoscope for Leo:2日011年11月29日
The time could be right for love. Be sure to set aside some extra time for
your special someone. The moon will be in your partnership sector at a
brilliant angle to the Sun, in your fifth house of pleasure and true love.
You and your partner could enjoy a shared hobby, a night out together, or a
special amusement.
susan miller Horoscope for Leo:2日011年11月30日
Fun will be your middle name today! Perhaps there's a hobby or recreational
activity you used to enjoy colossally in the past but, for whatever reason,
haven't allowed yourself the pleasure of lately. Today you'll be motivated
to pick it up again and what's more, you'll ask a sweetheart or partner to
join you in the adventure! The moon will link up to Mercury, now retrograde,
in your fifth house of creativity and entertainment.
susan miller Horoscope for Leo:2日011年12月1日
You could see a powerful development on the job, either between you and a co
-worker or with a major assignment. Your relationship with a colleague
possibly could take a fascinating turn for the better. You might join forces
and realize that you two are stronger together than you are apart when
working on a project. Great cooperation could result in a most impressive
susan miller Horoscope for Leo:2日011年12月2日
If it feels like you should get in better shape, then pay attention. With
Pluto joined by Venus in your house of health, you have a marvelous
opportunity to snap out of a bad habit and adopt a new method for living.
This alignment bodes well for bold Leos who are proud of their self-image.
At the same time this alignment also works well for supporting any
charitable effort you may have in mind. Helping others is a wonderful way to
take care of yourself.
susan miller Horoscope for Leo:2日011年12月3日
You might find it difficult to concentrate on your studies if you are
enrolled in a program or at university. You might have an encounter with a
mentor or advisor that could leave you feeling a bit insecure. He or she
might display a sudden shift in the level of support offered, or he or she
could have an emotional reaction to you. Remember that you are studying for
your own benefit. You will not always see eye to eye with a teacher.
susan miller Horoscope for Leo:2日011年12月4日
You may be feeling quite alert and full of brisk and fluid ideas as both the
Sun and Mercury occupy your house of invention. Your creativity may be
firing on all fronts as the quick-acting planet of Mercury spurs on your
ability to communicate and to be creative at the same time. Your points
should be well taken and may impact your revenue stream as Mars, the planet
of action, drifts through your house of income. Your creative streak should
be visible to your associates at work and the rewards of that effort might
appear in your bank account as Jupiter rests in your house of career.
susan miller Horoscope for Virgo:2日011年11月28日
You might feel slighted by your sweetheart, and if so, it's likely to be an
unintentional offense. The moon will be in your romance sector, at a
difficult angle to Saturn, now in your second house of self-worth. Perhaps
your mate will offer you what he or she believes to be constructive feedback
about the development of one of your talents. You could take as harsh
criticism any advice that others think is helpful. Try to keep things in
susan miller Horoscope for Virgo:2日011年11月29日
The Sun will be in your domestic fourth house, which typically indicates a
time to enjoy nesting more than usual. The Sun will also link up favorably
to the moon, in your sixth house of routine, so you might decide to schedule
time with your family to do something productive together. You could, for
instance, work on a household project that you might have been considering
for some time.
susan miller Horoscope for Virgo:2日011年11月30日
You might receive surprise guests today! Perhaps a distant relative you
haven't seen in a while will come by for a visit or will give you a phone
call. You might even host a short visit at your house and if so, it'll feel
wonderful to catch up. It's also possible that you'll host an office dinner
party at home or will entertain some colleagues you worked with in the past.
Either way, one thing is certain: you'll enjoy the company you keep!
susan miller Horoscope for Virgo:2日011年12月1日
You and someone special might feel an intense love connection. You possibly
could mix business with pleasure by attending a social function that has
ties to business. As you mingle with the crowd, you could rub elbows with
someone who literally will take your breath away. If you already have a
partner, you might experience the thrill of re-igniting romantic sparks.
Either way, excitement could fill your moments today.
susan miller Horoscope for Virgo:2日011年12月2日
The impulsive planet of action, Mars, will be in Virgo and you could
accomplish quite a bit this week. This could provide a tremendous boost to
your creative output. Your house of invention will be alive with activity
from some very powerful supportive planets. Meanwhile, your relationship
sector will be entertaining the moon, so it would be an opportune time to
express your creativity to your loved one. Creativity and love can perform
miracles together if you choose your words thoughtfully.
susan miller Horoscope for Virgo:2日011年12月3日
It could be in your best interest to hold off on making a firm investment
decision - at least for today. Although you could feel the urge to shuffle
investments around or make a massive move in your retirement or estate
planning, wait things out and reconsider your idea at a later date. The
energy today could put you in a restless mood that might prompt you to make
a hasty decision.
susan miller Horoscope for Virgo:2日011年12月4日
The fiery motivator of the zodiac, Mars, will be sitting in Virgo. How lucky
for you! You may be motivated to express your opinions and agenda to all
who cross your path. Although you are clear, crisp, and quick with your
thoughts, be careful not to step to on any toes by casting judgments or
heavy criticisms, as they might come back to haunt you someday. This week
will be quietly fruitful for being creative, so if you can channel that
energy appropriately you could work wonders. Pluto and Venus could offer
support together in your house of invention, so the timing will be ideal.
susan miller Horoscope for Libra:2日011年11月28日
Responsibilities at home might leave you feeling as if you're carrying all
of the weight. If so, be sure to tell the rest of your clan that you'd
appreciate more help. While it's true that you sometimes have difficulty
saying "no" to those you love, at the same time, you're not doing a service
to anyone when you bite off more than you can chew. Your family will surely
susan miller Horoscope for Libra:2日011年11月29日
Your ability to express your most creative ideas could be exceptional today.
If you are involved in a writing project, your ideas might flow as you
become inspired with innovation. The moon will be in your fifth house of fun
and artistic expression, and it will be at a fine link to the Sun, now in
your message sector. Allow your mind to explore new and exciting creative
susan miller Horoscope for Libra:2日011年11月30日
You might connect with an old childhood friend today and if so, you'll be
delighted to catch up. It's possible that this person went to the same
grammar school as you, or grew up right in your neighborhood. You might have
shared a hobby together such as piano lessons or dance classes. It will be
wonderful to relive some of your childhood memories. You'll be waxing
susan miller Horoscope for Libra:2日011年12月1日
Although you might feel a slight twinge at having to eliminate something
that no longer serves you, once you let it go, you could see an incredibly
fresh start. This may have to do with a private family matter but could be
something more mundane, such as your finally deciding to discard keepsakes
that have become a source of clutter. Ask yourself which of your possessions
you are willing to let go.
susan miller Horoscope for Libra:2日011年12月2日
The landscape of your family may be undergoing a rather powerful shift. It
could be as simple and joyous as the arrival of a newborn or an aging
relative who is waning and requires your attention. Venus in your house of
family and home may soften the blow as Pluto tries to alter the portrait of
your domestic calm. These transitions are necessary for growth, so open up
and welcome them in with an open heart.
susan miller Horoscope for Libra:2日011年12月3日
A close personal relationship might go through an abrupt change. If so, it
could be invigorating - or it might be completely frenzied. Your spouse,
partner, or business alliance may suddenly have a change of heart about a
matter that involves the two of you. You could be surprised at this sudden
shift, but if you can adapt and remain calm, the situation could look much
better to you by tomorrow.
susan miller Horoscope for Libra:2日011年12月4日
The swift moon will be visiting with Uranus, the planet of electricity and
ideas, in your house of relations. As a result you might make a new friend
from out of the blue who turns out to be a great connection, or you may find
yourself experiencing a blast from the past as you dawdle at the bookstore
perhaps. Chance connections and encounters are quite common under these
skies. If the connections circle back to your family as Pluto and Venus
reside there currently, you might be thrilled at the wonderful way in which
events unfold. There is nothing as satisfying as a great connection.
susan miller Horoscope for Scorpio:2日011年11月28日
You might find a request to keep quiet about a secret piece of information
to be more of a burden than you anticipated. The moon will be in your third
house of communication at a tense square to Saturn, the planet of
restriction, now in your hidden twelfth house. Keeping things quiet might
come at a personal price. Ask yourself if it's worth paying.
susan miller Horoscope for Scorpio:2日011年11月29日
Allow a relative to share advice on how to enhance your earning capacity.
You might be pleasantly surprised at what you hear. This person might boost
your self-worth in the process. The moon will be in your second house of
income and self-worth at an angle to the moon, in your domestic fourth house
. You also might make financial progress by selling a family possession or
making a real estate transaction.
susan miller Horoscope for Scorpio:2日011年11月30日
Take a second look in your attic or basement today and scour your family
possessions. It's possible that an heirloom you once thought was worthless
actually has value. The moon will be in your domestic sector at a friendly
angle to Mercury, the planet of sales and communication, now in your second
house of money and possessions. What you think is trash could prove to be
someone else's treasure.
susan miller Horoscope for Scorpio:2日011年12月1日
Knowledge is power, and you have learned this lesson firsthand, ever since
Pluto entered your communication sector a couple of years ago. As Pluto
journeys through this part of your chart, you could ultimately discover your
mind is more profound, enriched, and capable of deep, investigative thought
. Venus will link up to Pluto, and you might have a vital conversation with
someone important. The topic could be love or money.
susan miller Horoscope for Scorpio:2日011年12月2日
Your sense of responsibility may be tapping you on your shoulder as you work
hard for an equal footing in your significant relationships. Saturn, in the
late degrees of Libra, may hold you accountable for your past history with
your long-time partner. These changes are likely to be significant and yet
necessary as Jupiter will adds a much larger dimension to the conversations
you may have. Perhaps you have finally reached an agreement that points to a
new future.
susan miller Horoscope for Scorpio:2日011年12月3日
If a co-worker suddenly quits or has a temper flare-up, do your best to
remain out of the line of fire. Your office could be a source of instability
today, as emotions might run high and unpredictable. You would be wise to
schedule time to work at home, if possible, to avoid the chaos. Regardless,
stay away from office gossip, rumors, and any co-workers who seem distressed
. Prevent their negative mood from influencing your productivity.
susan miller Horoscope for Scorpio:2日011年12月4日
You'll likely have a conversation regarding your financial future during
this week as both the Sun and Mercury gather together in your house of
revenue. The conversation may involve your significant other as Jupiter
aligns in your house of relations. Perhaps the two of you have reached an
agreement and see a way forward, or maybe you simply want to make a solid
choice about your fiscal well-being. Either way, the conversation is also
quite likely to have a long-term impact as Pluto sits in your house of
negotiations. This would be a great time to investigate and be clear with
your decisions.
susan miller Horoscope for Sagittarius:2日011年11月28日
Do your best to remain confident today as you continue to pursue one of your
personal goals. Accept the reality that setbacks are usually part of the
process when you set your sights on anything significant. Remember that the
overnight success never tastes as sweet as the kind of success one earns
slowly over time. You will see victory at some point but for today, you
might need a reminder about this.
susan miller Horoscope for Sagittarius:2日011年11月29日
Your ability to speak from the heart could be strong today, so be sure to
use it to your best advantage. Have an honest talk with someone close - a
spouse, co-worker, sibling, or even a neighbor. If you share your thoughts,
feelings, personal philosophy, or advice with authenticity, you could notice
something incredible happen. You could inspire anyone with whom you speak.
susan miller Horoscope for Sagittarius:2日011年11月30日
If you have been stumbling on your words lately, today could be a day to
make things right. The moon will be in your communication sector at a
gorgeous angle to Mercury retrograde in your first house of self. Perhaps
you didn't express yourself the way you intended recently to someone
important. If so, speaking from the heart could ameliorate the situation
since you will come across as genuine and honorable.
susan miller Horoscope for Sagittarius:2日011年12月1日
Your intense focus might be on making a lasting, positive transformation to
your budget and earning capacity. You might decide to develop a talent in
the domestic arts or one you use more at home than in the workplace. Today,
you will realize that this ability can carry value beyond the contributions
it makes to your family and home. It could also help bring in some extra
susan miller Horoscope for Sagittarius:2日011年12月2日
With the Sun in Sagittarius along with Mercury, you may be feeling quite
powerful and vocal about your feelings. Mercury will bring along that quick-
witted cleverness that may help you to seal the deal or clinch the contract.
With Mars in your house of career your motives are particularly alive and
active. Perhaps you can wind up an agreement with dignity and purpose that
offers solutions for all parties. What a perfect setting as the year winds
susan miller Horoscope for Sagittarius:2日011年12月3日
A chance meeting could stir your heart in a brilliant, invigorating way. If
you are single, be sure to make time for mingling with friends or colleagues
after work. You could have a strong opportunity to meet someone who might
turn your head. In fact, this could be a person you might not usually
consider your type, yet you will find yourself captivated. A magnetic
attraction might be fleeting, but it could be worth exploring.
susan miller Horoscope for Sagittarius:2日011年12月4日
Be on the lookout for attention as curious Mercury and the Sun will be in
Sagittarius. Together these two can provide quite a bit of spark for you as
they bring an intellectual and inquisitive flavor to all you pursue. Uranus
in your house of creativity may sweetly enhance such a wonderful pairing.
Perhaps your mind will be chock-full of ideas that are quite hard to contain
. This would be an opportune time to take lots of notes as the ideas may fly
through your mind so quickly that you would hate to miss them. Grab that
pen and paper and write down what comes along.
susan miller Horoscope for Capricorn:2日011年11月28日
You're professional and capable in business and these qualities surely help
you along the climb to success. Today, however, you might struggle with
feeling as though a higher up isn't supportive of that climb. Perhaps he or
she will make a demand you feel is unreasonable or will try to push you down
as you're working to build something up. Don't allow a temporary glitch to
get you unsettled. You will overcome this.
susan miller Horoscope for Capricorn:2日011年11月29日
Expect a lovely boost in personal fulfillment as you cultivate one of your
hidden talents. This could be something that gives you great satisfaction
but something that you prefer to keep under wraps or to express by working
in solitude. Either way, you could be quite pleased by carving out time for
this special talent and could consider it time well spent.
susan miller Horoscope for Capricorn:2日011年11月30日
If you're feeling insecure about finances, today will be an ideal time to
evaluate your budget in private. You'll want to do this alone because the
urge to eliminate anyone else's voice from your financial decisions will be
vital. Perhaps this is why you've felt insecure in the first place! Upon
review, you might decide to tweak your expenses a bit, but overall you're in
good shape. Stop worrying!
susan miller Horoscope for Capricorn:2日011年12月1日
Your sense of personal value and self-worth might undergo a magnificent
transformation. If so, it could carry through into your appearance, as well
as your inner being. You possibly could make a decision to move forward with
a cosmetic procedure or other significant change to your physical self.
Whatever you decide, it likely will not be out of the blue. You might have
felt this stirring inside you for quite some time.
susan miller Horoscope for Capricorn:2日011年12月2日
The presence of Pluto in Capricorn has, perhaps, aided you in making
significant changes in your daily outlook and routine. Changes for the
better are a wonderful way to evolve. Softened by the warm presence of Venus
, Pluto usually brings a gift at the end of the hard work. The hard work may
come from the demands of work, but with Jupiter in your house of invention
you might likely find a novel solution that proves to be well worth the
susan miller Horoscope for Capricorn:2日011年12月3日
A relative might do something unexpected, and you could feel as if your home
life suddenly has become unsettled. A rift might have happened between
members of your family, and tempers could flare. If you find yourself caught
in the middle, try not to allow anyone to force you to take sides. Remember
, their battle does not need to become a family issue. Try to remain on the
susan miller Horoscope for Capricorn:2日011年12月4日
Your family may be planning an unexpected event of some sort, as Uranus and
the moon pair up together in your house of home. Even though the family
serves as your foundational bedrock, they are also prone to change and
evolve. Perhaps you'll learn that you are to be a new aunt or uncle or you
find that you must step in and aid an aging family member. The dynamics of
the family are a clear scene for action for you as Pluto continues his slow
tread through Capricorn. These changes are likely to be lasting and profound
, but there is great promise in all that involves new directions.
susan miller Horoscope for Aquarius:2日011年11月28日
If you've ever had a moment of doubt about your ability to reach to the top
of a spiritual or intellectual pursuit, today could be that day. The moon
will be in your twelfth house of everything hidden at a tense angle to
Saturn, now in your ninth house of mind expansion. Perhaps a mentor you
respect will make you feel as if you need to keep your thoughts in the
shadows. Should you really allow that to happen?
susan miller Horoscope for Aquarius:2日011年11月29日
The moon will be in your first house of identity, which could expand your
emotional awareness about a matter dear to your heart. The moon will engage
in a friendly link with the Sun, in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes.
You could enjoy socializing with friends and sharing your ideas with them.
In addition, you might get a group of helpers in your corner to further a
charitable cause.
susan miller Horoscope for Aquarius:2日011年11月30日
You might decide to rejoin a group with which you were once affiliated. The
moon will be in your first house of identity and will connect beautifully to
Mercury, now retrograde in your eleventh house of friends and clubs.
Perhaps your interest in this organization will be reignited after
connecting with a member with whom you used to attend meetings. You'll enjoy
folding something new into your social life that actually comes from your
susan miller Horoscope for Aquarius:2日011年12月1日
A relative might become your benefactor in some way. You possibly could
receive financial assistance, or this family member might decide to wield
his or her power to help you. This person might be a source of comfort,
allowing you to remain confident that when you truly need your family, you
can rely on him or her. In addition, this person will remind you that you
have more inner resolve than you sometimes assume.
susan miller Horoscope for Aquarius:2日011年12月2日
You may be on a quest to uncover a secret as Mars slips through your house
of legal affairs. Legal, insurance, and administrative tasks may top your
agenda as a result of this alignment. Perhaps you have an emotional
financial knot to untangle as the moon sits in your house of income. You may
try to get closure, which would allow you to clean up the tangle and walk
away with peace of mind.
susan miller Horoscope for Aquarius:2日011年12月3日
You could be full of innovative ideas that will leave you so excited, it
could be difficult to keep them all to yourself. Go ahead and share your
thoughts with others, but be careful that your excitement and enthusiasm
does not seem overly effusive, which could put people off. Remember that
just because you might consider your ideas as a stroke of genius, it does
not mean that the rest of the world will be prepared to listen.
susan miller Horoscope for Aquarius:2日011年12月4日
Your broad, expansive view may be shaken up a bit as Uranus pairs up with
the moon in your house of dialog. Perhaps you have a rousing conversation
with someone about a dynamic idea that sets your gears in motion. This would
be an excellent time for investigating new and unusual concepts and
connections. Uranus tends to rule the lofty intellect, and you are a natural
sponge for such cerebral activity, especially when you pair that with
larger organizations just as Mercury and the Sun light up your house of
groups. The times are ripe for collaborating and for community. Perhaps you
can find the connections and make it all work.
susan miller Horoscope for Pisces:2日011年11月28日
There could be a slight delay in an investment matter, and if so, you might
feel a bit deflated. Perhaps you've been talking to some pals about a joint
venture or have been looking into funding for one of your personal goals.
The moon will be in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes at a difficult
link to Saturn, now in your eighth house of joint finances. See this as a
temporary glitch and keep moving forward.
susan miller Horoscope for Pisces:2日011年11月29日
You might spend time alone to work on a goal connected to your profession.
Someone might have assigned you to a special project, or you might have
chosen to take one in an effort to impress a VIP. If so, this venture could
be quite successful. The moon will be in your private twelfth house and will
send a positive vibe to the Sun, now in your career sector. Honors could
come to you from hidden talents.
susan miller Horoscope for Pisces:2日011年11月30日
A gorgeous opportunity might come to you from your boss and if so, it will
be rooted in a past conversation or meeting that you had together. It's
possible that a higher up has been watching you from behind closed doors and
is quite pleased with your ambitious achievements lately. You may receive a
reward or a promise for one, and of course, you'll be thrilled. Even if you
don't receive public attention for this, you'll still feel honored.
susan miller Horoscope for Pisces:2日011年12月1日
You could have a profound impact on others by your efforts to a humanitarian
cause. The change for which you have been striving might finally come to
fruition. Whatever you might advocate, an ending and rebirth will need to
happen before there can be the most positive outcome for all. Today, thanks
to your altruism, it could be very clear that, thanks to your hard work, the
time has come for the rebirth.
susan miller Horoscope for Pisces:2日011年12月2日
This would be an ideal time to really tune in to your dreams, if possible.
Dreams are often elusive and hard to remember, but if you can reap some
knowledge from them, you might be quite surprised. Neptune may serve as your
guide, sending you quiet signals that point to a direction change. As Mars
tours your house of relationships, you may feel a powerful desire to obtain
closure with a significant person in your life.
susan miller Horoscope for Pisces:2日011年12月3日
Emotional insecurity about money could lead you to excessive worry. Take a
step back and consider the bigger picture before you overreact. Your
situation could be more promising than you believe it to be. Look for ways
to cultivate your unusual talents, as there could be an excellent chance for
you to market them. With Uranus, the planet of innovation, strong in your
second house of income, the way to make money is to be ahead of your time.
susan miller Horoscope for Pisces:2日011年12月4日
You may be itching to see an accountant and figure out your finances. It may
be that there is an error in your favor as Uranus pulls a trick out of his
bag of surprises in your house of income. Of course, you might also receive
an unexpected bill, as well. However, with your house of career lit up by
the Sun and Mercury, it may be more likely that you are scoring lots of
points at work. Perhaps a promotion is on the docket for you or at least a
lot of shining attention from that friendly Sagittarius Sun.
【 以下文字转载自 Family 讨论区 】
发信人: ahhajuly (ahhajuly), 信区: Family
标 题: 一只熊猫被PS之后。。。。。(ZT) (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 10 22:23:51 2010, 美东)
发信人: parabear (两只熊可以跳舞!), 信区: iShow
标 题: 一只熊猫被PS之后。。。。。(ZT)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 2 20:59:21 2009)
【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
发信人: capricorn87 (老猫咪), 信区: shopping
标 题: 出一台 T60p顶配 with QXGA IPS Panel (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 12 20:08:49 2011, 美东)
光QXGA屏幕就要 600刀(现在便宜些了 还是要400刀)
2058*1536 IPS Panel
256G GPU
Second Drive Bay
这款屏幕是所有笔记本电脑里像素最高的,性能是除了 Dream Color2 FHD IPS 外最高的
Given it is 4:3; nothing can be better
1. pYES2和配套的菌株,有个实验想在yeast里试一下,哪位能共享一下?非常感谢!
2.clontech的pDsRed2-Nuc Vector或pEYFP-Nuc
我在South Florida。
站内或j*******[email protected]
an email would be good. Recruiters do not have control on the hiring
decision, they are messengers.

【在 V******9 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Family 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ahhajuly (ahhajuly), 信区: Family
: 标 题: 一只熊猫被PS之后。。。。。(ZT) (转载)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 10 22:23:51 2010, 美东)
: 发信人: parabear (两只熊可以跳舞!), 信区: iShow
: 标 题: 一只熊猫被PS之后。。。。。(ZT)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 2 20:59:21 2009)
: 原图
: Ps后
: cosplay华南虎


【在 c*********7 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
: 发信人: capricorn87 (老猫咪), 信区: shopping
: 标 题: 出一台 T60p顶配 with QXGA IPS Panel (转载)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 12 20:08:49 2011, 美东)
: 没钱了,出一台。机器本身花了我不少钱。但毕竟是用过的,便宜出
: 光QXGA屏幕就要 600刀(现在便宜些了 还是要400刀)
: 2058*1536 IPS Panel
: 3G
: 640G
: 256G GPU

it is only a phone call, just do it

【在 z*******y 的大作中提到】
: 可以打电话过去问recruiter结果吗? 怕这样不太好
: 周一面得,周四还有另外一个onsite,想在今天知道周一的结果
: 可以打给recruiter问吗


【在 V******9 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Family 讨论区 】
: 发信人: ahhajuly (ahhajuly), 信区: Family
: 标 题: 一只熊猫被PS之后。。。。。(ZT) (转载)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 10 22:23:51 2010, 美东)
: 发信人: parabear (两只熊可以跳舞!), 信区: iShow
: 标 题: 一只熊猫被PS之后。。。。。(ZT)
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 2 20:59:21 2009)
: 原图
: Ps后
: cosplay华南虎

256G GPU??
恩 下午准备打个电话或发个email问问
是Amazon 怕催出拒信来,影响周四面试的心情 呵呵 还有点不太敢催
有绿卡。昨天看回程17小时,多伦多转机, 今天看回程就34小时了,温哥华多伦多都
停, 34小时要过夜吧,又酒店住吗?怎么会这么长时间啊

【在 l****y 的大作中提到】
: 没绿卡的要签证

【在 l**h 的大作中提到】
: 这种一天天的,大家真的会参考么?我貌似是只看看大方向,这种很细的反而不愿意去
: 参考。不知道你们什么心态呀?


【在 z*******y 的大作中提到】
: 恩 下午准备打个电话或发个email问问
: 是Amazon 怕催出拒信来,影响周四面试的心情 呵呵 还有点不太敢催



【在 c******s 的大作中提到】
: 这个适合所有星座?
: 谢谢~


【在 i**********r 的大作中提到】
: 牛公司还是别催了:)

【在 l**h 的大作中提到】
: 这种一天天的,大家真的会参考么?我貌似是只看看大方向,这种很细的反而不愿意去
: 参考。不知道你们什么心态呀?


【在 z*******y 的大作中提到】
: 电话已经打了,还是没憋住
: HR告诉我还没有feedback,有消息会通知

good luck to lz!