I thing this will help. 1. The length is depending on how many rod you have. 2. The space between two rod is depending on the size of your reel. 3. materials: Solid oak from HD.
【在 i****r 的大作中提到】 : Got pictures from other angle, like from top and side?
70 楼
我通常都不回帖的, 可是您这逻辑简直都没有一句是对的, 都没法说了。 唉。
71 楼
请问最右边的没有卷线装置的这种类型鱼竿哪里有卖的? 谢谢!
【在 R**R 的大作中提到】 : 没事干。做个 Rack 把鱼竿收起来。 : 请指教。
72 楼
Your logic is problematic. Did Wang say Rao should be elected only because of his publication? If the criterion is so simple, Rao can be easily elected . Wang emphasize that Scientists should have the responsibility to disclose the darkness of academic member election, which of course makes sense. If each scientist only cares his own interest, and lick so-called authorirties' ass, how sad it is to the country as a whole? In terms of research morality, Rao should be elected as well. It is funny you gave some unrepresentative examples here: to show USA academic member election WORSE than that of China? To show that academic members, as in general, represent the highest level of research in China? Give me a break. Of course there are bad examples in the academic member election in the USA, but that does not mean that the situation in the USA is worse than that in China. Of course there are outstanding academy members, but this does not mask the numerous problems...
LZ不仅有逻辑问题,而且自己的价值标准都是分裂的,为朋友喊冤时用的数据就是发表 了多少文章引用了多少次: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/Physics/31222063.html 青年千人周树云没有上,上的几个比她强?有猫腻啊 Shuyun Zhou (周树云) has published more than 20 papers in scientific journals including 4 papers in Nature, Nature Phys., Nature Mat. and 5 papers in Phys. Rev. Lett. So far her papers have been cited more than 900 times in total. 这是去年9月的数据
每个人对院士的评选都有自己的标准,探讨一下可以增进共识,缩小差距。 我只是普通人,院士候选人合不合格,我只比照自己的标准。我的基本标准就是,长期 的系统性的高水平的研究工作。不管是美国科学院院士还是中国科学院院士,基本标准 都一样,不同的是三个形容词的要求有差别。 袁隆平的研究工作不是长期的系统性的工作。虽然袁隆平长期做杂交水稻,但是只有一 开始的工作是高水平的,有开创性,后来的工作没啥创新。他做的是一锤子的买卖,他 的贡献很大,而且已经被认可。但是他不符合我认为的标准,即长期的系统性的高水平 的研究工作。 可以跟袁隆平比较的人物是发明PCR技术的Kary Banks Mullis. PCR技术的重要性的不 必多说了,Mullis也因此获得了诺贝尔奖,但是他没有入选美国科学院院士。有多少美 国人替他喊冤我不清楚,有中国人替他喊冤我倒是见过。他和袁隆平一样,凭借一个新 颖的想法,获得了很高的成就。诺贝尔奖很公平,即奖励长期的系统性工作,也奖励一 个很有创新型的工作。但是,诺奖跟院士评选不同,诺奖奖过了就结了,院士评选后当 选的院士会对国家的科研政策产生影响,因此不是终结而是开始。既然目的不同,标准 当然也不同。Mullis没有当选美国科学院院士,在我看来很正常。维基百科上有这么一 句话:Since winning the Nobel Prize, Mullis has been criticized in The New York Times for promoting ideas in areas in which he has no expertise.He has promoted AIDS denialism,climate change denial and his belief in astrology. 我只能说,很幸运,他幸好还不是院士,否则影响力更大。 袁隆平也好不到哪里去。卫星带稻种上天,反对转基因的言论等等大家都只能当笑话看 。发表PNAS文章则需要关注。没有实质性贡献的人在科研论文上挂名是一种学术上的不 当行为。朱隶文当了能源部长后仍与人合作发表过论文,但他申明这是他以前的工作。 假如他是没贡献只挂名的话,他的部长职位可能不保。假如一个人连文章都读不懂,也 没有实质性的贡献,还推荐发表文章,自己当并列通讯作者,只因为他是美国科学院外 籍院士,那么这恐怕就不仅仅是道德问题了(瞎猜的,欢迎指正)。 外籍院士随便评,反正不会影响国内科技政策。 有个疑问,外籍院士在院士评选时有投票权吗?
【在 s*****l 的大作中提到】 : Your logic is problematic. Did Wang say Rao should be elected only because : of his publication? If the criterion is so simple, Rao can be easily elected : . : Wang emphasize that Scientists should have the responsibility to disclose : the darkness of academic member election, which of course makes sense. If : each scientist only cares his own interest, and lick so-called authorirties' : ass, how sad it is to the country as a whole? In terms of research : morality, Rao should be elected as well. : It is funny you gave some unrepresentative examples here: to show USA : academic member election WORSE than that of China? To show that academic