H1B 和面临解雇# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
1. System design: given a key word like "kindle", return a count of how
many occurrences of this word on internet. (like search a key word on
google, return "About xxx results" )
2. lunch interview: a website is very slow, how to trouble shooting? A
brain teaser question: There are 50 black marbles, 50 white marbles and
two boxes. How to distribute those marbles into two boxes so that the
possibility of randomly picking a black marble is the highest?
3. Coding question: H
1. System design: given a key word like "kindle", return a count of how
many occurrences of this word on internet. (like search a key word on
google, return "About xxx results" )
2. lunch interview: a website is very slow, how to trouble shooting? A
brain teaser question: There are 50 black marbles, 50 white marbles and
two boxes. How to distribute those marbles into two boxes so that the
possibility of randomly picking a black marble is the highest?
3. Coding question: H