General enquiries and customer service i used e-mail, it works
4 楼
Many enzymes lose activity upon heat and cannot refold without chaperones. Lysozyme, alcohol dehydrogenase are among some of the commonly used models. I measured heat inactivation of trehalase when I was in college, also very easy.
Hi, davidstrass, Thanks. What do you let them write? The selection standard? or something else?
8 楼 F1000 Biology Reports The F1000 Biology Reports (ISSN 1757-594X) journal publishes short commentaries by the world's top scientists in which the hottest biology papers/clusters of papers identified by Faculty of 1000 are put into a broader context. Faculty of 1000 Biology is the next generation literature awareness tool. It is a revolutionary online research service that comprehensively and systematically highlights and reviews the most interesting papers publish
9 楼
just tell them your articles have been evaluated by F1000 website, now you are applying for green card, please provide a letter to confirm it, they have a template letter, you just modify it and send back for sign. good luck