American Doctors are actually very poor. They may be respected though.# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
Endocrinolgist and 病理医生 are all specialists. They only earn about 100K
per year. Family doctors earn less than 100K per year as net income.
My friend in New York upper state is a family doctor. Her net income is 75K
per year. I am her college classmate. So she gave me the detailed
医院医生收入都可以查得到, 我搜过,我们以前呆过的医院还是排名全美前十位的,病
理医生起薪17.8 万。病理医生收入在所有医生中属于中等偏上点。去年开会时认识一
个在harvard 刚做完fellow 地endocrinolgist医生,正在找工作,他告诉我在boston
私立医院endocrinolgist 起薪14万。公立差不多,可能稍微低一点。医生收入差别很
per year. Family doctors earn less than 100K per year as net income.
My friend in New York upper state is a family doctor. Her net income is 75K
per year. I am her college classmate. So she gave me the detailed
医院医生收入都可以查得到, 我搜过,我们以前呆过的医院还是排名全美前十位的,病
理医生起薪17.8 万。病理医生收入在所有医生中属于中等偏上点。去年开会时认识一
个在harvard 刚做完fellow 地endocrinolgist医生,正在找工作,他告诉我在boston
私立医院endocrinolgist 起薪14万。公立差不多,可能稍微低一点。医生收入差别很