的老板们。尽量陈述事实 偶尔也喷一下。
吊丝老板常常对我讲:”You must have XXX papers before graduation!"
反观高帅富老板:”One or two more papers cannot make me more famous. What we
need is a critical thinker who can ...."
吊丝老板狠狠训斥了图森破的我:“You shall NEVER discuss our research with
any outsiders without showing it to me first." 因为本吊在industry visit的时
候 回答了对方几个问题。“They all have doctoral degrees and can easily
reproduce your work in a month!"
反观高帅富老板:“Feel free to talk about our work to XXX. We need more
吊丝老板:“How is XXX? Any results?"
高帅富老板:“Do you have fun doing XXX?"
吊丝老板:“You cannot rely on me every time. Fix that on your own!"
高帅富老板:“Let us both think about it" 过了半小时 发来邮件“Please read
those two papers and tell me what you think."
对待industry people和funding
吊丝老板:“You must make those people happy. If not, it's hard for me to
help you find other funding to sustain your PhD."
高帅富老板:“It seems they like our results, just be there and give a talk
as before."
吊丝老板家中:望着桌上好像walmart直接买来的熟食 在场的几个吊丝摸摸肚皮,相视
一笑, 唉 反正这顿晚饭是有着落了。
反观高帅富老板的豪宅里,高朋满座 谈笑风声 白富美穿梭其中,只见高帅富老板搬出
一个精致的烤架 在白富美老婆的帮助下 让烤肉的香味弥漫
吊丝老板外出开会,一般旁观 难得有机会做presentation。好不容易做一次,信心满
满的做完后,一片沉寂。。。半分钟后 一位韩国大妈用正宗的棒式英语问到:“I don
't think this part makes sense...." 随即 几位领域大牛也纷纷发难 最终Q&A
反观高帅富老板,洋洋洒洒 行云流水地展示了自己的research,一片掌声中,Q1."
Nice work first!! My question is how you measure/calibrate XXX." Q2 "I
conducted some similar study on XXX. And XXX is not smooth could you please
shed some light on that." "Sure, maybe we can have a coffee afterwards" 最
终 缓缓走回座位 邻座的白富美投来赞许的目光 (应该是本次会议认识的,夫妻同做
一领域 同时开会比较少见)