苏州大学生物钟研究中心诚聘海内外人才公告# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
Faculty Positions in Chronobiology
Multiple faculty positions in the broad areas of chronobiology at Assistant
/Associate /Full Professor level are available in Soochow University Center
for Circadian Clocks (SUCCC) in Suzhou, China.
We are seeking outstanding scholars who use fruit fly, zebrafish, mouse or
human to investigate molecular genetic mechanisms underlying circadian
regulation, or study regulatory roles of circadian clocks in development,
reproduction, metabolism, sleep, behaviors, immune responses or
tumorigenesis. We are particularly interested in individuals who study
systems biology or epigenetics (including miRNAs)of circadian clocks or
employing high-throughput approaches to screen small molecules that affect
circadian clocks.
Successful candidates should have a Ph.D. with at least 3-year postdoctoral
research experience. Applicants should have high-quality publications, and
have the ability to develop and maintain an externally funded research
program. Competitive relocation and salary packages, generous start-up funds
, and spacious lab space will be provided. Suzhou is one of the most livable
cities with deep culture heritage and glaringly modern flavor in the world.
Interested individuals should send a cover letter, an updated CV, a summary
of accomplishments, future research plans, and a list of at least three
references to Han Wang, Soochow University Center for Circadian Clocks,
email: w*****[email protected], Soochow University, Lake Dushu campus, 199 Renai
, SIP, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China.
苏州大学生物钟研究中心(Soochow University Center for Circadian Clocks)因发展
拟招聘利用果蝇、小鼠、斑马鱼等模式生物或人研究生物钟调控机制,或者 生物钟在发
育、生殖、代谢、睡眠、行为、免疫应答或肿瘤发生等作用机制方面 的 PIs。 对利用
系统生物学(包括基因组学、蛋白质组学和生物信息学)或表 观遗传学(包括小 RNAs 等
)研究生物钟调控机制、或采用高通量筛选影响生物 钟机制的小分子化合物的研究者优
二、招聘岗位 教授/副教授
1、具有良好的教师品德、学术与科研道德;勤奋踏实,有较强的事业心和责 任感,有良
2、取得海内外知名高校博士学位并具有海外博士后经历,从事相关专业科研 与技术工
作三年以上;或在海内外知名高校/科研机构获得助理教授及以上职位 或其他相应职位;
3、在本领域学术界有一定影响,做出过具有国际水平的研究成果,在重要学 术刊物上发
4、独立主持或作为主要骨干参与过重大科研项目研究的全过程并做出显著 成绩。
1、个人简历(含学习、科研、工作经历、论文和论著目录、研究工作创新 点介绍以及
2、3-5 篇代表论文或论著;
Multiple faculty positions in the broad areas of chronobiology at Assistant
/Associate /Full Professor level are available in Soochow University Center
for Circadian Clocks (SUCCC) in Suzhou, China.
We are seeking outstanding scholars who use fruit fly, zebrafish, mouse or
human to investigate molecular genetic mechanisms underlying circadian
regulation, or study regulatory roles of circadian clocks in development,
reproduction, metabolism, sleep, behaviors, immune responses or
tumorigenesis. We are particularly interested in individuals who study
systems biology or epigenetics (including miRNAs)of circadian clocks or
employing high-throughput approaches to screen small molecules that affect
circadian clocks.
Successful candidates should have a Ph.D. with at least 3-year postdoctoral
research experience. Applicants should have high-quality publications, and
have the ability to develop and maintain an externally funded research
program. Competitive relocation and salary packages, generous start-up funds
, and spacious lab space will be provided. Suzhou is one of the most livable
cities with deep culture heritage and glaringly modern flavor in the world.
Interested individuals should send a cover letter, an updated CV, a summary
of accomplishments, future research plans, and a list of at least three
references to Han Wang, Soochow University Center for Circadian Clocks,
email: w*****[email protected], Soochow University, Lake Dushu campus, 199 Renai
, SIP, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China.
苏州大学生物钟研究中心(Soochow University Center for Circadian Clocks)因发展
拟招聘利用果蝇、小鼠、斑马鱼等模式生物或人研究生物钟调控机制,或者 生物钟在发
育、生殖、代谢、睡眠、行为、免疫应答或肿瘤发生等作用机制方面 的 PIs。 对利用
系统生物学(包括基因组学、蛋白质组学和生物信息学)或表 观遗传学(包括小 RNAs 等
)研究生物钟调控机制、或采用高通量筛选影响生物 钟机制的小分子化合物的研究者优
二、招聘岗位 教授/副教授
1、具有良好的教师品德、学术与科研道德;勤奋踏实,有较强的事业心和责 任感,有良
2、取得海内外知名高校博士学位并具有海外博士后经历,从事相关专业科研 与技术工
作三年以上;或在海内外知名高校/科研机构获得助理教授及以上职位 或其他相应职位;
3、在本领域学术界有一定影响,做出过具有国际水平的研究成果,在重要学 术刊物上发
4、独立主持或作为主要骨干参与过重大科研项目研究的全过程并做出显著 成绩。
1、个人简历(含学习、科研、工作经历、论文和论著目录、研究工作创新 点介绍以及
2、3-5 篇代表论文或论著;