Postdoctoral Fellows in Lab-Chip and Biotechnology,Houston
Postdoctoral Fellows in Lab-Chip and Biotechnology,Houston# Biology - 生物学
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发信人: nitbbs (例如,每天爱你多一些), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: Postdoctoral Fellows in Lab-Chip and Biotechnology, Houston, TX,
United States
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 2 12:07:38 2013, 美东)
We are seeking highly motivated individuals to fulfill FOUR postdoctoral
positions in Assistant Professor Dr. Lidong Qin’s lab at The Methodist
Hospital Research Institute (TMHRI). Our lab is located at the Houston Texas
Medical Center and affiliated to the Department of Cell and Developmental
Biology of Weill Medical College of Cornell University. The candidates are
expected to lead one of the following four research areas utilizing
microfluidic technology: point-of-care diagnostics, cell mechanics, cancer
biology and bioengineering, and nanomedicine.
Candidates should be committed, self-motivated, conscientious, meticulous,
and able to work independently as well as collaboratively. Candidates with
cancer biology background, capable of doing animal experiments, acquainted
with cancer stem cell theory, are more preferred.
The research will be conducted in TMHRI state-of-the-art laboratories
conveniently located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center, an
environment conducive to advancing science and technology through
collaborative efforts. The successful candidate will benefit from daily
interactions with highly accomplished scientists in the Methodist Hospital
and the surrounding institutes (MD Anderson, UT Medical School, Baylor, Rice
U. etc).
Please check our recent publications for research directions and interests.
Applicants interested in joining our team are invited to attach a cover
letter with a research statement, detailed CV, and names and contact
information of three references to Dr. Lidong Qin (L**[email protected]).