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Ecdysone Insect Hormone Switches on Disease
21 Jul 2013 | ECDYSONE
Morgellons is a military grade entomological terror weapon being used to
torture and kill innocent civilians. The medical community has not been
informed about this disease and its complexity keeps it from being properly
identified, named, researched and treated. The longer a biological weapon
remains untreated, the more time it has to reach its peak lethality.
Obstruction by agencies as to its treatment or cure is a part of the
military strategy. [1] Textbook of Military Medicine: Medical Aspect of
Chemical and Biological Warfare, Use of Biological Weapons, p. 636-658. http://www.cs.amedd.army.mil/borden/Portlet.aspx?ID=66cffe45-c1b8-4453-91e0-9275007fd157
Information about Morgellons cannot be found soon enough. Many people are
dying and the deaths are being attributed to other causes — pneumonia or
heart and lung problems. Therefore, assistance from any direction is needed.
This is my plea to ask at large for any professionals with any training and
resources to please help this cause.
Now, as to the topic of this article, people with Morgellons often have slow
healing lesions. These lesions may be caused by microscopic arthropods too
small to be seen by the naked eye. Has a doctor said you are delusional
because he/she can’t see the bugs? Are insects or worms, bacteria, fungus
or plants growing in your skin?
Gene therapy makes this possible. What is gene therapy? Gene therapy is the
use of DNA as a treatment or cure for disease. It can be used to change or
replace genes in animal and plant cells. Various methods are used to insert
new genes into cells.
Geneticists have designed a system for use in transgenic animals where the
insect ecdysone hormone receptor molecule can be synthesized continuously in
the glandular cells of the organism. [2] Campbell, John, Engineering the
Human Germline: An Exploration of the Science and Ethics of Altering the
Genes We Pass to Our Children, Jan 7, 2000. http://tinyurl.com/mttBssx
Humans have 48(+?) kinds of hormone receptors but not the ecdysone receptor,
so its gene must be taken from an insect genome. [3] Robinson-Rechavi M.,
How many nuclear hormone receptors are there in the human genome?Trends
Genet, 2001 Oct. 17(1)0:554-6.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11585645
The insect hormone receptor from the fly DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER or other
species are incorporated into human cells. [4] D No., Ecdysone-inducible
gene expression in mammalian cells and transgenic mice, Proc Natl Acad Sci
USA., 1996 April 16; 93(8): 3346-3351. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/
The early patent is entitled “Polynucleotide Encoding Insect Ecdysone
Receptor.” US 6245531 B1, Polynucleotides are DNA & RNA (biopolymers made
of 13 or more nucleotide monomers in a chain). [5] http://tinyurl.com/k3vwdol
The inventors are: David Hogness, Michael Koelle and William Seagraves. The
assignee is the Board of Trustees of Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto,
CA. Filed September 30, 1992, Published May 7, 1996. The patent provides for
three plasmid cassettes containing genetic instructions. This patent
describes the insertion of a molecular switch using the 20-OH ecdysone
receptor (or DHR3, E75A or E75B) which is genetically inserted into insects,
worms, bacteria, plants and mammals.
Ecdysone is used in biochemistry research as an inducer in transgenic
animals where a new gene is introduced into an animal. Adding or removing
ecdysteroids from the animal’s DIET turns the gene on or off. This creates
a system where food for humans could be laced with the hormone of choice to
induce disease and death. [6] Ecdysone-inducible gene expression in
mammalian cells and transgenic mice; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA; Vol. 93, pp
. 3346-3351, April 1996, Genetics http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC39610/pdf/pnas01515-0196.pdf
Transgenic means an organism whose genetic material has been altered using
genetic engineering techniques. Transgenesis is the process of introducing
an exogenous (from another organism) gene called a transgene into a living
organism so that the organism will exhibit a new property and transmit that
property to its offspring.
Transgenic organisms are able to express foreign genes because the genetic
code is similar for all organisms. This means that a specific DNA sequence
will code for the same protein in all organisms. Due to this similarity in
protein sequence, scientists can cut DNA at these common protein points and
add other genes.
DNA that encodes a therapeutic (treatment) protein is packaged within a “
vector”. [7] Regulatable Gene Expression Systems for Gene Therapy
applications: Progress and Future Challenges, Curr Gene Ther. 2006 August 6(
4): 421-438. There may be multiple vectors, perhaps a primary (insect)
vector and a secondary vector (bacteria). Once inside a cell, the DNA
becomes expressed by the cellular machinery, resulting in the production of
a therapeutic protein, which in turn treats the patient’s disease.
Nucleic acid (DNA) encoding a therapeutic protein is placed inside a virus
“vector” whose infectious machinery is used to insert the new or
therapeutic DNA in the cells of an organism. The nucleic acids (DNA) could
be meant to help or harm you, such as a stealth virus, bacteria or any other
pathogenic materials in the case of a bioweapon like Morgellons.
Adenovirus is used as a virus vector. Adenoviral vectors can hold large DNA
inserts (up to 35 kb). They are human viruses and are able to transduce a
large number of different human cell types at very high efficiency. The
inside of the virus is scooped out and the genes to be transmitted are put
inside. The virus infects the cell and the ecdysone receptor proteins enter
the cell nucleus. The ecdysone switch turns the DNA on and it is expressed
in the animal. [8] Graham, Lloyd D., Ecdysone-controlled expression of
transgenes. http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1517/14712598.2.5.525 The ability to administer the vector repeatedly is critical in many treatment protocols so the presence of multiple generations of the animals is important to maintain in the victim. In order to suppress the immune response, the costimulatory interactions required for an immune response to an antigen is blocked, blinding the immune system, making repeat administration possible. [9] Anderson W. French, Human Gene Therapy, Nature, 1998 apr 30,392(6679 Suppl) 25-30.
The process of gene delivery and expression is known as transduction. The
vector must be capable of targeting the cell type most appropriate for the
disease. To achieve stable, sustained gene expression requires integration
of the vector DNA into the host DNA or in a separate structure known as an
episome, which is a closed circular DNA molecule that is replicated in the
nucleus. [10] Verma, Inder M., Weitzman, Matthew D.; Gene Therapy: Twenty-
First Century Medicine, Annu Rev. Biochem. 2005. 74:711-38
What is a nuclear receptor? A nuclear receptor is a protein in cells that
senses steroid and thyroid hormones and regulates the expression of specific
genes, only when a ligand (hormone) such as ecdysone is present, thereby
controlling the development, homeostasis and metabolism of the organism. [11
] Evans RM. The steroid and thyroid hormone receptor superfamily. Science.
1988;240 (4854):889-95. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0036-8075%2819880513%293%3A240%3A4854%3C889%3ATSATHR%3E2.0.CO%3B2K; [12] Mangelsdorf DJ, et al. The nuclear receptor superfamily: the second decade. Cell 1995; 83(6): 835-9; http://Blumberg.bio.uci.edu/reprints/mango-cell-intro.pdf
The ecdysone receptor (EcR) is a steroid hormone receptor involved in
triggering metamorphosis in the fly Drosophila melanogaster. A class of
steroid hormone called ecdysteroids binds to the receptor EcR. [13]
Regulatable Gene Expression Systems for Gene Therapy applications: Progress
and Future Challenges. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1629032/
Steroid hormone receptors are the largest group of transcription factors in
the mammalian proteome (list of all proteins in a single cell or organism).
The ligands (hormones) of steroid receptors cross epithelial (skin) barriers
and plasma membranes (enclose cells) with ease. The hormones bind to their
receptors in the cytoplasm (the cell substance between the cell membrane and
the nucleus) and these hormone-receptor complexes are then moved to the
nucleus where they regulate gene expression.
The intracellular (within the cell) protein receptors usually perform the
entire task of transferring genetic material from one cell to another. The
hormone-receptor complexes bind to specific sites in the cell’s DNA and
stimulate the transcription (the process by which mRNA is synthesized from a
DNA template resulting in the transfer of genetic information from the DNA
molecule to mRNA) of specific genes. mRNA produced in response to hormone
stimulation is translated into new protein in the cytoplasm. This new
protein could be a pathogen that produces a disease as part of a bioweapon.
[14] www.course-notes.org/Biology/Outlines/Chapter_45_Hormones_and_the_
In insects, ecdysone triggers reproduction, growth, molting & development
through the activation of the ecdysone receptor. The receptor is called EcR
and is coupled with another protein called Ultraspiracle (USP). [15]
Ecdysone-inducible gene expression in mammalian cells and transgenic mice;
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 93, pp. 3346-3351, April 1996 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC39610/pdf/pnas01515-0196.pdf
The ecdysone receptor senses and responds to the presence of ecdysone,
causing a ascade of molecular events controlling the development,
homeostasis and metabolism of the organism. The presence of ecdysone
triggers the ecdysone receptor. In the absence of ecdysone, nothing happens.
This molecular on/off switch is called an Inducible Expression System.
Ecdysone has no effect on animals that do not have extra genes inserted so
its presence indicates the transgene is working. [16] Inducible control of
transgene expression with ecdysone receptor: gene switches with high
sensitivity, robust expression, and reduced size; RheoGene, Inc., Norristown
, PA, USA; BioTechniques 39:191-200 (August 2005)
The gene is given a promoter that is active only in the glandular cells of
the target organ so a disease could be placed in a particular place in the
body, such as the brain, heart, pancreas, liver, skin, finger nails or hair
follicles, but it is possible that the products of gene expression can be
seen in the whole organism.
In the ecdysone inducible expression system, DNA is cloned using E. coli and
other microbial hosts such as Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella, Serratia and
various Pseudomonas species.
This system uses enhancers or promoters derived from viruses such as SV40,
Adenovirus, Bovine Papilloma Virus, polyoma virus, cytomegalovirus and
retroviruses such as leukemia virus, Rous sarcoma virus & HIV.
The genes that are switched on could be stealth viruses or any other
pathogenic genetic construction, including man-made creations. The ecdysone
switch could also be used to turn on dormant viruses.
This system uses reporter molecules such as luciferase (a general term for
bioluminescence) so that the presence or location of a desired ligand (
hormone) may be easily determined.
The ecdysone system has effects on some kinds of blood cells such as
lymphocytes and neutrophils and may regulate the immune system. Also during
gene therapy the presence of cytokines in the blood may result in fatigue
and in extreme cases, death. Cytokines are regulators of the immune system
such as interleukins and interferons. Viral vectors induce an immune
response because they express immunogenic epitopes within the organism. The
first immune response occurring after vector transfer is cytokines and
chemokines secretions at a lesion site. [17] Bessis, N., Immune Responses to
gene therapy ectors: influence on vector function and effector mechanisms;
Gene Therapy 2004 Vol(): S10-S17. You may have a rash with multiple lesions.
Adverse reactions to cytokines are inflammation and/or ulceration or
widespread papular eruptions. [18] James, William, et al (2005). Andrews’
Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology. (10th ed.). Saunders.
If you have been innoculated with the Ecdysone Inducible Expression System,
you may have ecdysone or other arthropod hormones and receptors in your
blood. There may be a blood test for the hormone and its receptor. It would
certainly be unusual to ask for one unless your doctor understood that
Morgellons victims infected with arthropods, nematodes, plants and parasites
were engineered using these techniques.
An infestation of flies (of the order Diptera) is called Myiasis. There are
38 species of parasitic flies. Myiasis is a condition where flies of the
Order Diptera lay eggs in the skin or flesh of a human being or other
vertebrate. A vertebrate is an animal with a backbone. Baby flies called
larvae (maggots) are born in the flesh of the host and eat living or dead
tissue, body fluids and ingested food. The female lays eggs in open wounds,
in unbroken skin, in the nose or ears or in food or water. The life cycle
consists of the egg, larvae, pupae and adult. When the larvae hatch, they
cut through the skin and tunnel through the host tissue, causing lesions and
dangerous infections. [19] http://www.morgellonsuk.org.uk/micromyiasis.htm
An infestation of mites is called Acariasis (of the order Acari).
Infestations by nematodes (round worms) are named after the animal. Disease
caused by whipworms is called Trichuriasis. Other Morgellons infestations
are caused by parasitic wasps, moths, ants, spiders and many other
In Morgellons, these animals aggressively lay eggs in the skin. Female mites
only have to be fertilized once and they remain fertilized for life. Some
female arthropods are born pregnant. These super egg layers may account for
the presence of ecdysone being continually in the human body so that DNA
changes and reconstruction of organs (skin, hair, nails) can occur.
Attracting Insects: The presence of insect hormones in the skin may explain
why some Morgellon’s victims feel that insects are being attracted to them.
Brain Fog: All steroid hormones pass easily through the blood brain barrier
so some changes in brain chemistry from foreign DNA may account for the
brain fog. The genetic changes induced or “switched on” may target
specific organs or systems, including the brain. The possibilities involved
in this symptom need further investigation.
Prescence of Fibrillar Structures: This system is perfect for the delivery
of fibrillar structures found in various diseases such as Alzheimers disease
. It can deliver filamenting bacteria and fungus which filament naturally or
in reacting to their environment and available food sources. In Morgellons,
various bacteria, including E. coli and Bacillus subtilis form colored
filaments, indicating how much of the molecules needed to form the fibers is
present, therefore they are sensors.
Delivery of man-made materials: It can deliver man-made molecules and
hydrogels that form networks and goo of various colors. Hydrogels made
entirely of DNA are conjugated with various biological organisms. There are
so many materials and structures that Morgellons’ victims find in their
bodies that for anyone who has not studied the science that created them,
there is no way to know what they are. When examined closely, many have
their makers’ logos, names, addresses and pictures.
Self-Assembled Nonviral Vectors: Complexes consist of DNA and cationic (the
active ingredient carries a positive charge) lipids or cationic polymers
which can be inserted in plasmids or piggybacked on viruses or bacteria. The
polymers used in biomedical applications can be found in this article. I
printed it but could not locate the link so I’ll try to get this posted
somewhere if not here soon. [20] Polymers for DNA Delivery, Molecules 2005,
10, 34-64.
Multiple Parasites: The animal vectors are parasites that have their own
parasites called endoparasites. A host and parasite are called commensal
partners. Commensalism is a relationship between individuals of two species
in which the smaller commensal species obtains nutrients, shelter, support,
or transport from the host without the host benefiting or being harmed.
hormones and is able to metabolize hormones and to activate and inactivate
them. [21] Zouboulis; Christos C.; Human Skin: An Independent Peripheral
Endocrine Organ; Hormone Research 2000;54:230-242; http://www.klinikum-dessau.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Hautklinik/PDF-Files/110_hormres.pdf
Human skin produces hormones which are released into the circulation and are
important for the functions of the entire organism. Therefore, it is the
target of ecdysone receptor gene therapy.
Human skin produces insulin-like growth factors and binding proteins,
propiomelanocortin derivatives, catecholamines (norepinephrine and
epinephrine), steroid hormones, Vitamin D, retinoids and eicosanoids (
prostaglandins, prostacyclins, leukotrienes) from fatty acids. Hormones
exert their biological effects on the skin through interaction with
receptors for peptide hormones, neurotransmitters, steroid hormones and
thyroid hormones.
Some Morgellons victims who have had the disease for a long period, maybe
over 8-10 years, report that their hair, skin and nails are completely
replaced with diseased tissue with live animals inside, with synthetic
materials, odd colors and even glowing or blinking skin. These conditions
are made possible through gene delivery to the skin. [22] Trainer, Alison;
Alexander, M. Yvonne, Gene delivery to the epidermis; Human Molecular
Genetics 1997, Vol 6, No. 10. The majority of the epidermis is comprised of
keratinocytes. Through the use of keratin promoters, keratinocytes express
exogenous genes such as the coagulation cascade protein Factor IX and growth
hormone. The epidermis has a secretory capability, allowing recombinant
gene products expressed in the epidermis to be secreted into the circulation
, indicating its potential for the creating systemic disorders (spread
throughout the body).
Gene therapy can be used to induce disease or cure it. The goal of gene
therapy as a weapon is to effect a permanent debilitating change in the
genetic makeup of the victim. The weapon does not have to be lethal to be
effective because incapacitation and confusion may be all the disruption
necessary to cause the intended effects. These are the exact effects we see
in Morgellons. People are incapacitated with overwhelming multiple pathogens
. They lose their health, jobs, families, property and their place in
society in order to keep other people from being contaminated.
Gene therapy is used to change the genetic makeup of a person without their
knowledge or consent by means of an insect vector. Insects transmit genes
via their saliva, reproductive systems or excretory systems. They deliver
the hormone, the receptor and the diseases.
Insects carry bacteria which can be used to change your DNA in a process
called bactofection. An outgrowth of vaccination was the idea to use
attenuated bacteria as carriers to transport plasmid DNA to the nuclei of
specific cells. Bactofection can stimulate the production of antibodies from
a wide variety of pathogens by releasing plasmid DNA specifically encoded
to stimulate the production of a particular antigen, and could even serve as
a general vaccination against cancer. Attenuated bacteria like Shigella,
Salmonella and Listeria have all been used as bactofection delivery agents.
Nanoparticles are also used to deliver DNA. [23] Bacteria Gives
Nanoparticles a Ride. http://libna.mntl.illinois.edu/pdf/publications/76.nnano.2007.149.complete_akin.pdf
The genes must enter cells and be stably expressed at the right levels. The
genetic control must be extremely precise so that a potentially lethal
disease is not released prematurely, but only in response to the trigger. [
24] Block, Steven M., Living Nightmares: Biological Threats Enabled by
Molecular Biology, p. 64-68 http://www.stanford.edu/group/blocklab/Block%20New%20Terror%20Chapter%202.pdf
Genetically engineered systems tend to be “leaky”. That has changed with
the tighter control systems such as the insect hormone ecdysone system.
Stealth viruses can remain for long periods without causing detectable harm.
They can be contagious, silently spreading throughout a targeted population
over an extended time and then triggered.
With the genetic tools of cellular and molecular biology, it is possible to
contemplate a disease first, then construct the pathogen necessary to
produce it second using the molecular signaling pathways that are critical
to the health of humans. The disease might target the immune response,
escaping our natural ability to fight it; or it might activate normally
dormant genes and wreak havoc in our cells; or it might simply instruct the
cells in our body to commit suicide in programmed cell death (apoptosis).
These are the processes which can be triggered with the ecdysone system.
Inducible hormone receptor systems can be used in arthropods, nematodes,
plants [25] Development of a tightly regulated and highly inducible ecdysone
receptor gene switch for plants through the use of retinoid X receptor [
human] chimeras. Transgenic Res. 2007 Oct;16(5):599-612. Epub 2006 Dec 1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17139530; [26] Creation of ecdysone receptor chimeras in plants for controlled regulation of gene expression, Mol Gen Gent (1999) 261; 546-552. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s004380050999#page-1 and mammals [27] Ecdysone receptor-based inducible gene expression system; US 7091038 B2. by fusing the nuclear hormone insect receptor to existing hormone receptors.
Nuclear Hormone Receptor Proteins and How They Work
Nuclear hormone receptor proteins are activated when bound to specific
sequences of DNA. The bound hormone bends the shape of the receptor so that
it can attach to its promoter and activate the gene. They serve as on-off
switches for copying DNA within the cell nucleus. These switches control the
development and differentiation of skin, bone, and behavioral centers in
the brain as well as the continual regulation of reproductive tissues.
In the case of the testosterone, the presence of testosterone turns the gene
on; remove it and the gene goes silent. Estrogen and other steroid hormones
work the same way, each binding its own specific receptor to activate its
own hormone-dependent promoters. Even lower animals control gene expression
with steroid hormone/receptor systems. For example, ecdysone and ecdysone
receptor constitute a system unique to insects. [28] Identification of
Ligands and Coligands for the Ecdysone-Regulated Gene Switch. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC18950/
The ecdysone switch of insects is like a cocked gun that could be triggered
to kill cancer cells. The gun is the gene that codes for Diphtheria toxin, a
lethal cellular poison. The gene is activated by ecdysone, through an
ecdysone-dependent promoter. This promoter will be snipped from an insect
genome and pasted in front of the toxin gene.
A two-gene cassette is used to protect against prostate cancer. Gene 1 codes
for ecdysone receptor which controls the expression of gene 2, which codes
for diphtheria toxin. When ecdysone is present, the toxin gene is expressed
in prostate cells and the cells die. The toxin gene is not expressed in any
other cells, because no other cells synthesize the ecdysone-dependent
transcription factor.
If prostate cancer were ever diagnosed, a man would get an injection of
ecdysone. The hormone would activate the ecdysone receptors in his prostate
glandular cells, which would “turn on” the diphtheria gene, resulting in
diphtheria toxin that would kill the cells. Ecdysone would be present
throughout the body, but only prostate cells would have the ecdysone
receptor to which it would bind, because ecdysone is not a natural hormone
of humans.
This same cocked gun could be aimed at the breast, pancreas, or other
vulnerable tissues. These are germline engineering procedures and strategies
that geneticists are using to create transgenic animals and humans.
It is not hard to see how this inducible system could be installed in
unsuspecting humans and then switched on at some opportune time to
extinguish a portion of the population. The hormones can be put in food and
who controls the content of food? If food were scarce and everyone had to be
dependent on authorities for food and water, the source of a chemical that
induced the switch to be turned on so that whatever pathogen were present in
a person’s body would start to create a disease which would incapacitate
them. This system provides a tight control on a population of helpless
“Ashes and diamonds, foe and friend, we will all equal in the end.” –
Roger Waters, Pink Floyd
"entomological terror weapon"
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