job opennings at Incyte# Biology - 生物学
Difference is Minimum
Algorithm to find the two numbers whose difference is minimum among the set
of numbers.
For example the sequence is 5, 13, 7, 0, 10, 20, 1, 15, 4, 19
The algorithm should return min diff = 20-19 = 1.
Constraint - Time Complexity O(N) & Space is not a constraint [upto O(3N)]
Assumption - Sorting O(nlogn) & comparison of adjacent numbers is already
known & is not an option. Try to keep it linear
Sr. Research Investigator, Applied Technology
Department: Applied Technology
Location: Wilmington, DE
Sr. Research Investigator, Applied Technology
The successful candidate will be an intellectual leader within the company
with expertise in the analysis of large genomic data sets. The candidate
will work across departments in a highly collaborative organization and will
be responsible for supporting oncology programs targeting novel kinases,
immune system modulators and epigenetic modulators. They will be part of
drug discovery project teams with representatives from other departments in
the organization and will be responsible for providing their expertise to
programs throughout the drug discovery and development process.
Job Responsibilities:
•Application of genomic and next generation sequencing technologies,
including analysis and interpretation of genomic datasets from pre-clinical
and clinical studies
•Utilize computational biology methods to analyze and interpret genome
-scale data sets including data from microarray and NGS (DNA-Seq, RNA-Seq
and ChiP-Seq)
•Process, analyze and interpret high volumes of data from internal and
external sources
•Identify and validate molecular markers of pharmacodynamic activity
and response from RNA expression and NGS data sets
•Present results of analysis to multidisciplinary audiences within the
Minimum Requirements:
•Ph.D. with minimum of 3 years of post-doctoral experience
•Experience in analyzing large microarray and/or NGS data sets
•Experience working with public domain databases (TCGA, COSMIC, NCBI)
•Strong biological sciences background in cancer research
•Programming/scripting skills
•Excellent written and oral communication skills
•Ability to work effectively in a highly-collaborative, multi-
disciplinary environment, and manage multiple tasks and responsibilities
Sr. Research Investigator, Applied Technology
Department: Applied Technology
Location: Wilmington, DE
Sr. Research Investigator, Applied Technology
The successful candidate will join a new effort focused on the discovery and
validation of cancer targets. The candidate will be responsible for the
design and execution of experiments using modern gene editing, molecular and
pharmacological strategies to identify and validate novel targets for
immuno- or targeted oncology therapies. The candidate should have a
demonstrated track record for successful application of these techniques to
address critical questions related to the biological activity of novel
proteins or synthetic interactions with tool compounds.
Job Responsibilities
•Actively participate in the process for identifying candidate drug
targets through the development of strategies for identification or
validation of potential targets
•Design and execute cell based functional screens using modern gene-
editing techniques, interpret data using bioinformatic tools, and develop
follow up experiments for confirmation and biological validation
•Develop and use cellular models of epithelial, mesenchymal and
hematological malignancies
•Collaborate with other functional groups within the Discovery
organization on critical programmatic goals
•Identify, research and present new target ideas for consideration as
drug discovery projects
Minimum Requirements
•Ph.D. in Cancer Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Pharmacology or
related field with a minimum of 3 years post-doctoral or biotech or
pharmaceutical experience
•Demonstrated expertise with modern gene editing techniques, cell
based functional screening strategies and knowledge of bioinformatics tools
•Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with ability to work
in a highly-collaborative, multi-disciplinary environment
•A solid publication record in the field of cancer biology or cancer
Research/Sr. Research Scientist, Applied Technology
Department: Applied Technology
Location: Wilmington, DE
Research/Sr. Research Scientist, Applied Technology
The candidate will responsible for the generation of cell-based reagents,
development and execution of cell based assays, and conduct mechanism of
action studies in support of drug discovery efforts. The candidate will also
participate in cell based screening efforts to identify new drug targets.
Job Responsibilities
•Support the development, validation and implementation of cell based
assays for high throughput screening and drug discovery projects; provide
quantitative analysis of data
•Culture of specialized mammalian cells including primary cultures
•Development and application of advanced culture techniques including
co-culture or 3-dimensional cell culture models
•Generate, characterize and validate recombinant stable cell lines for
use in HTS or pharmacological studies
•Assist in writing of technical reports and provide verbal summary of
experimental details and data
Minimum Requirements
•BS/MS in Biological Sciences with knowledge of molecular and cell
•Must have 2 years working experience in mammalian tissue culture and
recombinant cell line generation and characterization; experience culturing
and characterizing primary cells
•Proficiency in techniques for the characterization of proteins (PAGE-
Western blotting, ELISA, etc.) and cell lines (microscopy, functional assays
, flow cytometry)
•Must be able to work effectively in a highly-collaborative, multi-
disciplinary environment, manage multiple tasks and responsibilities, and be
client focused.
•Must have excellent written and verbal communication skills
Sr. Research Investigator, Pharmacology
Department: Preclinical Biology
Location: Wilmington, DE
Sr. Research Investigator, Pharmacology
This candidate will be responsible for directing the in vitro pharmacology
function for immuno-oncology discovery programs. The successful candidate
will have a strong background in cancer immunotherapy or the biology of the
tumor microenvironment and will be responsible for validating novel
immunotherapy targets. The candidate should have experience in developing in
vitro assays and a deep knowledge of technologies commonly used to assess
immune endpoints. A demonstrated track record of utilizing this knowledge to
design and execute a research strategy that answers pivotal questions about
the novel targets or the agents under evaluation is indispensable.
Job Responsibilities:
•Development and execution of experimental strategies to define the
mechanism of action of immunotherapeutic agents.
•Design of in vitro experiments to determine the functional effect(s)
of candidate target activation/inhibition by using a variety of assays to
interrogate immune end-points.
•Able to collaborate with other functional groups within drug
discovery and clinical development to achieve drug discovery goals
•Able to identify and research potential new drug targets and present
for consideration as new drug discovery programs
Minimum Requirements:
•Ph.D. in Immunology, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology or related field or
equivalent experience.
•Post-doctoral experience in a relevant field
•Pharmaceutical or biotech experience preferred
•Supervisory and research team leadership experience preferred
•Excellent communication skills and a solid publication record
这个问题至少nlogn, 可以证明的...


【在 B*******1 的大作中提到】
: Difference is Minimum
: Algorithm to find the two numbers whose difference is minimum among the set
: of numbers.
: For example the sequence is 5, 13, 7, 0, 10, 20, 1, 15, 4, 19
: The algorithm should return min diff = 20-19 = 1.
: Constraint - Time Complexity O(N) & Space is not a constraint [upto O(3N)]
: Assumption - Sorting O(nlogn) & comparison of adjacent numbers is already
: known & is not an option. Try to keep it linear

bso honda mower!

【在 e********t 的大作中提到】
: 最近天天下大雨,昨天稍微晴点。离上次割草已经10天了,割草机调到最高,很多草还
: 是被拦腰切了。
: 我感觉我的honda割草机调到最高好像割得还是挺低。



【在 f******g 的大作中提到】
: http://www.incyte.com/careers/jobopenings
: 1
: Sr. Research Investigator, Applied Technology
: Department: Applied Technology
: Location: Wilmington, DE
: Sr. Research Investigator, Applied Technology
: The successful candidate will be an intellectual leader within the company
: with expertise in the analysis of large genomic data sets. The candidate
: will work across departments in a highly collaborative organization and will
: be responsible for supporting oncology programs targeting novel kinases,

不是坑, careercup上面看来的。
O(n) time is impossible.
If an O(n) time algorithm for this problem exists, then such an algorithm
can also solve EDP (the Element Distinctness Problem, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Element_distinctness_problem) in O(n) time.
Unfortunately EDP is proved to be Θ(nlogn).
solution和bucket sort 类似
it may also be solved in linear expected time by a randomized algorithm that
inserts each item into a hash table and compares only those elements that
are placed in the same hash table cell.[1]

【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: O(n) time is impossible.
: If an O(n) time algorithm for this problem exists, then such an algorithm
: can also solve EDP (the Element Distinctness Problem, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Element_distinctness_problem) in O(n) time.
: Unfortunately EDP is proved to be Θ(nlogn).

The internal implementation of set in STL is BST
so in fact set is already sorted...


【在 B*******1 的大作中提到】
: Difference is Minimum
: Algorithm to find the two numbers whose difference is minimum among the set
: of numbers.
: For example the sequence is 5, 13, 7, 0, 10, 20, 1, 15, 4, 19
: The algorithm should return min diff = 20-19 = 1.
: Constraint - Time Complexity O(N) & Space is not a constraint [upto O(3N)]
: Assumption - Sorting O(nlogn) & comparison of adjacent numbers is already
: known & is not an option. Try to keep it linear

“compares only those elements that are placed in the same hash table cell.


【在 s*******f 的大作中提到】
: it may also be solved in linear expected time by a randomized algorithm that
: inserts each item into a hash table and compares only those elements that
: are placed in the same hash table cell.[1]

Difference is Minimum
Algorithm to find the two numbers whose difference is minimum among the set
of numbers.
For example the sequence is 5, 13, 7, 0, 10, 20, 1, 15, 4, 19
The algorithm should return min diff = 20-19 = 1.
Constraint - Time Complexity O(N) & Space is not a constraint [upto O(3N)]
Assumption - Sorting O(nlogn) & comparison of adjacent numbers is already
known & is not an option. Try to keep it linear
这个问题至少nlogn, 可以证明的...


【在 B*******1 的大作中提到】
: Difference is Minimum
: Algorithm to find the two numbers whose difference is minimum among the set
: of numbers.
: For example the sequence is 5, 13, 7, 0, 10, 20, 1, 15, 4, 19
: The algorithm should return min diff = 20-19 = 1.
: Constraint - Time Complexity O(N) & Space is not a constraint [upto O(3N)]
: Assumption - Sorting O(nlogn) & comparison of adjacent numbers is already
: known & is not an option. Try to keep it linear

不是坑, careercup上面看来的。
O(n) time is impossible.
If an O(n) time algorithm for this problem exists, then such an algorithm
can also solve EDP (the Element Distinctness Problem, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Element_distinctness_problem) in O(n) time.
Unfortunately EDP is proved to be Θ(nlogn).
solution和bucket sort 类似
it may also be solved in linear expected time by a randomized algorithm that
inserts each item into a hash table and compares only those elements that
are placed in the same hash table cell.[1]

【在 s**x 的大作中提到】
: O(n) time is impossible.
: If an O(n) time algorithm for this problem exists, then such an algorithm
: can also solve EDP (the Element Distinctness Problem, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Element_distinctness_problem) in O(n) time.
: Unfortunately EDP is proved to be Θ(nlogn).

The internal implementation of set in STL is BST
so in fact set is already sorted...


【在 B*******1 的大作中提到】
: Difference is Minimum
: Algorithm to find the two numbers whose difference is minimum among the set
: of numbers.
: For example the sequence is 5, 13, 7, 0, 10, 20, 1, 15, 4, 19
: The algorithm should return min diff = 20-19 = 1.
: Constraint - Time Complexity O(N) & Space is not a constraint [upto O(3N)]
: Assumption - Sorting O(nlogn) & comparison of adjacent numbers is already
: known & is not an option. Try to keep it linear

“compares only those elements that are placed in the same hash table cell.


【在 s*******f 的大作中提到】
: it may also be solved in linear expected time by a randomized algorithm that
: inserts each item into a hash table and compares only those elements that
: are placed in the same hash table cell.[1]

设数组有N 个数A[0..N-1],最小min, 最大max..
建立N-1个bucket, b[0],b[1]...b[N-2];
A[i]放入b[j],j=(i-min)/(max-min) * (N-1);
同时A[i] 跟 b[j-1],b[j],b[

【在 a********m 的大作中提到】
: “compares only those elements that are placed in the same hash table cell.
: ”这个不能保证总是线性吧。关键怎么选hashtable大小?
: that

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