loglikelihood ratio test 出现负数吗? chi square 里面的value要求是正的?# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
我目前是tenure track faculty,但因为research比较突出 去年从assistant prof.
promote到了associate prof.,但还是tenure track, 今年要评tenure。刚刚收到另外
一个学校的一个request,问我能不能serve as an external member for tenure and
promotion for an assistant professor in their department。我猜他们可能看我是
associate prof.就认为我已经tenure了。这种情况下我qualify吗?
他们email里有attach tenure procedure,其中对于external member的要求是比
assistant professor要高,但没有说一定要tenured。
promote到了associate prof.,但还是tenure track, 今年要评tenure。刚刚收到另外
一个学校的一个request,问我能不能serve as an external member for tenure and
promotion for an assistant professor in their department。我猜他们可能看我是
associate prof.就认为我已经tenure了。这种情况下我qualify吗?
他们email里有attach tenure procedure,其中对于external member的要求是比
assistant professor要高,但没有说一定要tenured。