2 楼
I want to test if a protein has ATP binding or hydrolysis activities. Does
anybody know a nonradioactive kit or assay for these experiments? Thanks
very much.
anybody know a nonradioactive kit or assay for these experiments? Thanks
very much.
5 楼
6 楼
Google thermo activX activity based protein profiling kit. ATP or gtp probe
to label protein
:I want to test if a protein has ATP binding or hydrolysis activities. Does
:anybody know a nonradioactive kit or assay for these experiments? Thanks
to label protein
:I want to test if a protein has ATP binding or hydrolysis activities. Does
:anybody know a nonradioactive kit or assay for these experiments? Thanks
7 楼
8 楼
也许可以试试一些检测 free ATP 的 assays 吧(固定 ATP 浓度,加不同量的蛋白,
看变化)。hydrolysis 也可以试试检测 ADP。
看变化)。hydrolysis 也可以试试检测 ADP。
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