全国临床医学排名# Biology - 生物学
全国医学类院校排名:1 中国协和医科大学 2 北京大学 3 复旦大学 4 上海交通大
学 5 中山大学 6 华中科技大学 7 中南大学 8 四川大学 9 南方医科大学 10 吉林大
学 11 山东大学 12 首都医科大学 13 中国医科大学 14 浙江大学 15 哈尔滨医科大学
16 武汉大学 17 河北医科大学 18 重庆医科大学 19 天津医科大学 20 南京医科大学
21 苏州大学 22 暨南大学 23 西安交通大学 24 郑州大学 25 南京大学 26 北京中医
药大学 27 广西医科大学 28 山西医科大学 29 福建医科大学 30 中国药科大学 31 青
岛大学 32 安徽医科大学 33 东南大学 32 汕头大学 34 新疆医科大学 35 广东医学院
36 广州医学院 37 南京中医药大学 38 广州中医药大学 39 大连医科大学 40 东南大
学 41 上海中医药大学 42 沈阳药科大学 43 南昌大学 44 成都中医药大学 45 遵义医
学院 46 温州医学院 47 南通大学 48 山东中医药大学 49 黑龙江中医药大学 50 内蒙
古医学院 51 徐州医学院 52 贵阳医学院 53 潍坊医学院 54 天津中医学院 55 同济大
学 56 湖南中医药大学 57 南华大学 58 湖北中医药大学 59 滨州医学院 60 浙江中医
学院 61 辽宁中医学院 62 泰山医学院 63 兰州医学院 64 新乡医学院 65 河南中医学
院 66 江西中医学院 67 宁夏医学院 68 蚌埠医学院 69 川北医学院 70 江苏大学 71
皖南医学院 72 锦州医学院 73 佳木斯大学 74 延边大学 75 泸州医学院 76 厦门大学
77 湖南师范大学 78 沈阳医学院 79 长春中医学院 80 广东药学院 81 福建中医学院
82 陕西中医学院 83 石河子大学 84 济宁医学院 85 华北煤炭医学院 86 广西中医学
院 87 桂林医学院 88 南开大学 89 大理学院 90 扬州大学 91 天津大学 92 桂林医学
院 93 河南大学 94 青岛海洋大学 95 海南医学院 96 长沙医学院 97 成都体育学院
98 吉林农业大学 99 华东理工大学 100 昆明医学院 101 包头医学院 102 北华大学
103 长治医学院 104 大连大学 105 承德医学院 106 安徽中医学院 107 云南中医学院
108 山西中医学院 109 贵阳中医学院 110 甘肃中医学院 111 郧阳医学院 112 三峡
大学 113 张家口医学院 114 内蒙古民族大学 115 右江民族医学院 116 北京联合大学。
part time editors in need!
BiomedWorld is an editing company established to help international
biomedical researchers eliminate language barriers and get their work
recognized and published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.
With the growth of the company, we have experiencing increasing
of requests for editing biomedical manuscripts from both basic researchers
and clinicians. We are now recruiting freelance or part-time editors who
experienced in editing biomedical manuscripts for journal publications and
related documents.
The specialists in the following area are under urgent demanding:
Biostatistics, general surgery, Molecular and Cellular, Microbiology,
Biochemistry, Genetics etc.
Here is our company's website: http://biomedworld.com/.
We will provide satisfactory salary. Once you join our editors team,
promise that your personal information will be safe and always under
confidential maintenance with us. It will not appear on the company's
website or anywhere else unless authorized by you.
If interested, please send your application and resume documents to
[email protected]/* */
part time editors in need!
BiomedWorld is an editing company established to help international
biomedical researchers eliminate language barriers and get their work
recognized and published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.
With the growth of the company, we have experiencing increasing
of requests for editing biomedical manuscripts from both basic researchers
and clinicians. We are now recruiting freelance or part-time editors who
experienced in editing biomedical manuscripts for journal publications and
related documents.
The specialists in the following area are under urgent demanding:
Biostatistics, general surgery, Molecular and Cellular, Microbiology,
Biochemistry, Genetics etc.
Here is our company's website: http://biomedworld.com/.
We will provide satisfactory salary. Once you join our editors team,
promise that your personal information will be safe and always under
confidential maintenance with us. It will not appear on the company's
website or anywhere else unless authorized by you.
If interested, please send your application and resume documents to
[email protected]/* */
BiomedWorld is an editing company established to help international
biomedical researchers eliminate language barriers and get their work
recognized and published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.
With the growth of the company, we have experiencing increasing amount
of requests for editing biomedical manuscripts from both basic researchers
and clinicians. We are now recruiting freelance or part-time editors who are
experienced in editing biomedical manuscripts for journal publications and
related documents.
The specialists in the following area are under urgent demanding:
Cerebral surgery, Trauma & Burn, Organ transplantation, Brest surgery, Hand
surgery, Stomatology, chemo therapy, Plastic surgery, OBGYN, etc. MD is
Here is our company's website: http://biomedworld.com/.
We will provide satisfactory salary. Once you join our editors team, we
promise that your personal information will be safe and always under
confidential maintenance with us. It will not appear on the company's
website or anywhere else unless authorized by you.
If interested, please send your application and resume documents to
[email protected]/* */
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