生物PHD毕业年薪11.5万算高吗# Biology - 生物学
1 楼
房东是一 Car Dealer, 而且多次违背诺言。去年底和他签了一个两年的租约,明年年
3. Terms:
The term of this lease shall be Twenty Four months, commencing on 1st of
November, 2010, until 1st of November 2012.
20. [Landlord Agrees] Notification of Termination:
Landlord shall not terminate this lease expect for serious or repeated
breach of tenant’s obligations hereunder. In case of nonpayment of rent,
landlord may terminate the tenancy by a 14-day written notice to vacate. In
all other cases, landlord may terminate the tenancy by a 30-day written
notice to vacate.
都承认。我们从来没有打算这个时候搬。房东在Email里抓住“In all other cases,
landlord may terminate the tenancy by a 30-day written notice to vacate.”这
句话说事,让我为难。我的问题是,如何理解这句话?是不是第一句话 “Landlord
shall not terminate this lease expect for serious or repeated breach of
tenant’s obligations hereunder.”具有决定意义?卖房子是不是不应该包括在“
all other cases"里面?
3. Terms:
The term of this lease shall be Twenty Four months, commencing on 1st of
November, 2010, until 1st of November 2012.
20. [Landlord Agrees] Notification of Termination:
Landlord shall not terminate this lease expect for serious or repeated
breach of tenant’s obligations hereunder. In case of nonpayment of rent,
landlord may terminate the tenancy by a 14-day written notice to vacate. In
all other cases, landlord may terminate the tenancy by a 30-day written
notice to vacate.
都承认。我们从来没有打算这个时候搬。房东在Email里抓住“In all other cases,
landlord may terminate the tenancy by a 30-day written notice to vacate.”这
句话说事,让我为难。我的问题是,如何理解这句话?是不是第一句话 “Landlord
shall not terminate this lease expect for serious or repeated breach of
tenant’s obligations hereunder.”具有决定意义?卖房子是不是不应该包括在“
all other cases"里面?