Tailor-Made Nanostructures# ChemEng - 化学工程
1 楼
August 6, 2007
Volume 85, Number 32
p. 9
Materials Chemistry
Tailor-Made Nanostructures
New methods offer precise control of polymeric micelles
Bethany Halford
CONTROLLING THE FORMATION of complex polymeric nanostructures is no easy task. As the polymer molecules self-assemble, they tend to form particles in an unruly mess of different shapes and sizes. Two new advances offer scientists the ability to tailor these properties, thereby offering nanostructure design strategies that could be
Volume 85, Number 32
p. 9
Materials Chemistry
Tailor-Made Nanostructures
New methods offer precise control of polymeric micelles
Bethany Halford
CONTROLLING THE FORMATION of complex polymeric nanostructures is no easy task. As the polymer molecules self-assemble, they tend to form particles in an unruly mess of different shapes and sizes. Two new advances offer scientists the ability to tailor these properties, thereby offering nanostructure design strategies that could be