paper help# Chemistry - 化学
1 楼
passing gas 和 tolerate solid food.
UHC 给出拒付的理由是: Your doctor admitted you to the hospital. You were
admitted for appendicitis. We reviewed the medical information made
available to us. We reviewed the health plan's criteria for admission. We
have determined that you did not require admission to the hospital for this
surgery. The reason is you could have this procedure performed safely in an
outpatient setting. You admission is not covered. The surgery is covered.
We reviewed the following information to make our decision: MSC Care
guideline S-175 ISC ORG Appendectomy, without Peritonitis, by Laparoscopy,
20th Edition.
我完全是按照医生的指示住院观察一天。每年交那么多的保费, 最后急性阑尾炎手术
(Laparoscopy)后住院观察一天保险公司都要赖掉。 美国医疗保险系统真的是糟糕透
有人有类似的经历吗?怎么appeal? 是让医生appeal 还是自己appeal? (材料都在医生
那边, 我们也没有专业知识)如果appeal 被拒绝收到医院天价账单怎么办?
passing gas 和 tolerate solid food.
UHC 给出拒付的理由是: Your doctor admitted you to the hospital. You were
admitted for appendicitis. We reviewed the medical information made
available to us. We reviewed the health plan's criteria for admission. We
have determined that you did not require admission to the hospital for this
surgery. The reason is you could have this procedure performed safely in an
outpatient setting. You admission is not covered. The surgery is covered.
We reviewed the following information to make our decision: MSC Care
guideline S-175 ISC ORG Appendectomy, without Peritonitis, by Laparoscopy,
20th Edition.
我完全是按照医生的指示住院观察一天。每年交那么多的保费, 最后急性阑尾炎手术
(Laparoscopy)后住院观察一天保险公司都要赖掉。 美国医疗保险系统真的是糟糕透
有人有类似的经历吗?怎么appeal? 是让医生appeal 还是自己appeal? (材料都在医生
那边, 我们也没有专业知识)如果appeal 被拒绝收到医院天价账单怎么办?