"That's great! Please keep networking as it relates to the training." 我的理解是HR让我继续network直到找到愿意sponsor我的人。很明显地我老板不帮我或 是级别不够高来sponsor我。我得继续找到级别够高且愿意sponsor我的高层领导。大家 觉得此句意思是?? 最近想申请一个内部职位。在看到post之后给HR打电话聊了qualification。之后写了 一封follow up email(也cc我老板)就说说我是如何如何的qualify。(这里我稍微解 释一下。我必须有老板的support才能申请。所以此email目的是让HR知道我的 qalification还有让我老板知道我对此post有兴趣且和HR联系过了。)三天之后,今天 ,HR回了email(only reply to me)。就是简短的第一句。 此工作有prerequisite,也就是必须有credit training的背景才能申请。但Hiring manager有时也会招有人sponsored的candidate。所谓sponsor就是有高层领导endorse 我来帮助我取得此工作。开始工作之后再将该完成的training完成,进而达到招聘要求。
多谢! http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0022-3719/18/6/008/pdf Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics Low- and very-low-frequency dynamics in ZnCl2 aqueous solutions: a comparative investigation by Raman, Rayleigh wing and inelastic neutron scattering G Maisano, P Migliardo, M P Fontana, M -C Bellissent-Funel and A J Dianoux Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, Volume 18, Number 6
多谢! http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0022-3719/18/6/008/pdf Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics Low- and very-low-frequency dynamics in ZnCl2 aqueous solutions: a comparative investigation by Raman, Rayleigh wing and inelastic neutron scattering G Maisano, P Migliardo, M P Fontana, M -C Bellissent-Funel and A J Dianoux Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, Volume 18, Number 6