州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职 (转载)
州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职 (转载)# CivilSociety - 华人政治
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发信人: gtl (光头佬), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: 州参议员刘云平要求FOX News Channel主持人Bob Beckel辞职
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 12 20:20:10 2014, 美东)
2014年7月12日 加州州参议员刘云平(Tec Lieu)发表声明要求FOX News Channel(FNC)
时事谈话节目The Five主持人Bob Beckel因在节目中公然发表针对华人的种族歧视和诬
在2014年7月10日的The Five节目中,当谈到谁造成对美国的威胁时,Box Beckel说道:
"The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the
U.S. They have been, they will be and they can wait, they're very patient.
Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach
a bunch of Chinamen -- er, Chinese people -- how to do computers and then
they go back to China and hack into us."
带到这里,我们教一帮中国佬(Chinamen)的 - 呃,中国人 - 如何做电脑,然后他们回
A Toymaking "Chinaman" Answers Mr Bob Beckel
Background: Fox News host Bob Beckel used a racial slur in a rant about
China on 'The Five' July 10th. "The Chinese are the single biggest threat
to the national security of the U.S.," he said. "They have been, they will
be and they can wait, they're very patient. Do you know what we just did? As
usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen -- er,
Chinese people -- how to do computers and then they go back to China and
hack into us."... He continued: "Doesn’t anybody worry about these people?
There’s billions of ‘em. And all they do is hack into our stuff, they send
us cheap toys, all of which got lead in ‘em and they’re killing kids.“
Here's a toymaking Chinaman's answer to Mr Beckel.
Ironicaly as a toymaking ”Chinaman", I agree with Mr Beckel. We the
Chinese did make some cheap toys: like paper, printing press, gunpowder,
compass. During our millenia of
uncivilized isolation, we only by pure accidents managed to send these cheap
toys abroad to enable Western Renaissance, the Religious Reformation, great
navigational discoveries and the age of global conquests. Some of these
cheap toys even killed people, we wish we could unmake them. We definitely
should work on them more.
I also agree with Mr Beckel: America was the birthplace of internet and
computers, plus great many other worthier toys, and even some worthy ideas .
For these, the humble toymaking Chinese are deeply grateful to America.
Mr Beckel's America was also a racist America, that out of all the worlds'
people, singled out the Chinese for particular discrimination, legally
barring the Chinese from both immigration and interracial marriage. This
semi-genocidal policy effectively erected a great divider between the
Chinese and the Americans for three generations, and profoundly damaged
America's national interest in the latter half of 20th century.
In the first half of 20th century, the Chinese were betrayed by their former
friends of millenia past, invaded, brutalized, traumatized, murdered by the
millions. the Chinese history said not to trust modernity and friendship.
Yet some Chinese still trusted in America, honoring America by becoming
Americans, honoring America's principles as ambassadors of peace and
equality, like Millie Vautrin, Robert Wilson and John Rabe did during the
most trying circumstances.
These Chinese Americans have many faults, but shrinking from a challenge is
never one of them. In his own way, Mr Beckel is handing them a challenge:
"Make Mr Beckel the last China-hating racist on media". By rising to
this challenge, they honor America's principles and honor their heritage,
toys and all.
要不要slogan? 欢迎加!
Declaration of Independence Written on Cheap Chinese Toys
American Constitution printed with Cheap Chinese Toys
Columbus used Cheap Chinese Compass, to Find America
Cheap Chinese Made Railroads Settled California
The Chinese Invented Gunpowder for NRA, Our Bad!
The Internet Run on Chinese Invented Toys, like Fiber Optics.
The Great Chinese Americans Toy Challenge: Make Better Toys to Eliminate
China-Bashing Racism.
The Great Chinese Americans Toy Challenge: Make Better Toys to Eliminate
China-Bashing Hate Mongering.
The Great Chinese Americans Toy Challenge: Make Better Toys to Stop Racism.
Chinese Thank America For Great Toys Like Internet.
Chinese Thank America For Great Toys Like Computers.
Chinese Americans Help Make America's Great Toys Like Internet and Computers.
Chinese Americans Help Make America's Great ToyMakers like Google, Yahoo.
Chinese Americans Celebrate 3000 Years of ToyMaking For Peace and Equality.
------------------- 针对反华的国家安全威胁论------------------------------
Chinese Americans Helped Won WW II, Pacific Theater
No China-Bashing! Just an Ally in The Good War, Pacific Theater
No China-Bashing! In Honor of the 250,00 Chinese Villagers Murdered For
Saving American Pilots after Doolittle Raid
Honoring General Vicente Lim 1944
Honoring Millie Vautrin 1937
Honoring John Rabe 1937
Honoring Doolittle Raid Pilots 1942
Sharing Friendship, Sharing Humanity, Sharing Peace
No China-Bashing, No Hate Mongering, No Fear Mongering