Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News (转载)
Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News (转载)# CivilSociety - 华人政治
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发信人: CAPEUS (华人进步与平等协会, 信区: NewJersey
标 题: Joint statement to denounce the racial slur from Fox News
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 29 13:08:44 2014, 美东)
July 29th, 2014
San Jose, California - 80-20EF, AAPA-PAC, AAV, BFF, CAPE, CUL, DFWCA, MCAA,
SVCA and TOC jointly issue the following statement to denounce the racial
slur and racial spy/terrorism slander from Fox News host Bob Beckel and
demand immediate resignation of Bob Beckel or being fired by Fox News.
On Thursday, July 10, 2014 Fox News host Bob Beckel set off another
firestorm by using a racial slur and accusing Chinese people of spying and
terrorist activities. His remarks were made on "The Five".
At the beginning of the rant, he compared Chinese in this country to Islamic
terrorists. Later he used the word “Chinamen” to refer to Chinese people
at large, including Chinese Americans. The pejorative word “Chinamen” has
been long and widely considered to connote a derogatory and offensive
meaning to Chinese people. At the very last of his rant, he proceeded to
give all Chinese an insulting gesture, equivalent to the “F” word. Beckel
claimed all Chinese descendants, loyal American citizens or not, are spies
and terrorists. He stated that after we learned computer skills in America
we then go back to China to hack into American businesses and government. (
On the following Monday, July 14, 2014, Beckel issued a non-apology apology.
He somewhat apologized to the people who were offended. No apology was ever
issued to Chinese and Chinese Americans. (
Mr. Ted Lieu, a Chinese-American State Senator of California and a
Congressional candidate called Beckel remarks "racist" and "xenophobic".
Senator Bob Huff, Republican Leader in the California State Senate, also
released a long statement condemning Mr. Beckel’s rant. Mr. Mike Honda,
California Congressman and founder of the Congressional Anti-Bullying Caucus
said “the ignorance and hatred in his comments are repugnant”.
We, Chinese/Chinese American allies in US, stand with Mr. Ted Lieu, Mr. Bob
Huff and Mr. Mike Honda in asking Fox News to fire Bob Beckel immediately.
We want to point out that Bob Beckel’s accusation of Chinese people in this
country being spies and terrorists is a slanderous act. Furthermore, the
association of an ethnic group with a foreign country was precisely the
reason behind the Japanese-American imprisonment during World War II, a sad
chapter of history in this great country.
Please join us to fight against any defamation activities against Chinese
American community.
Co-Signed Organizations:
80-20EF, 80-20 Educational Foundation.
AAPA-PAC, Asian Americans for Political Advancement.
AAV, Asian American Voters.
BFF, Boston Forward Foundation.
CAPE, Chinese Americans For Progress And Equality.
CUL, Chinese United (League).
DFWCA, Dallas/FT.Worth Chinese Alliance.
MCAA, Michigan Chinese American Alliance.
SVCA, Silicon Valley Chinese Association.
TOC, The Orange Club.