国会议员的倾向# CivilSociety - 华人政治
We need lobbists and think tanks:
Republican Rep. Steve Chabot (Ohio 1st, chairman of House Committee on
Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific)called China “
dangerously aggressive” and said it was attempting to take disputed
territories by gradual force with the “misguided hope that Japan, Southeast
Asian nations and the U.S. will just grudgingly accept it.”
Democratic Rep. Ami Bera (CA 7th)called for a strong, bipartisan message
from Congress that China’s “threatening and provocative moves to assert
their maritime territorial claims are unacceptable.”
Republican Rep. Randy Forbes (Virginia 4th) said the U.S. must be “100
percent intolerant of China’s territorial claims and its continued resort
to forms of military coercion to alter the status quo in the region.”
While most lawmakers at Tuesday’s hearing were strongly supportive of the U
.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific, Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman (Ca
30th) was skeptical. He complained that the U.S. was plowing huge resources
into confronting China and helping defend the territorial claims of nations
like Japan that allot a far smaller proportion of their own budgets to
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Congressman Mike Mcintyre (North Carolina 7th) said the Chinese government's
recent behaviour regarding maritime and airspace boundaries is of growing
concern to the US and to its allies in the region.
"And it is important for Congress to keep a close watch on this situation,"
he said.
"The alarm bells may finally be ringing, what some of us have been warning
about for years." Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (CA 48th) said.
My commentary:
What alarm bells? Japan has been inching on its disputable
claim on Diaoyudao for years? Japan has been worshipping war criminals
level A,B,C,D for years? Japan has been bribing US congress to push a
giant secret sweetheart deal TPP(transpacific partnership pact) for years?
Japan has the US congress in her pocket for years? Japan has been electing
right-wingers, rape-apologists, murder-apologists into office for years?
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