分享两个刚刚面试的modeling问题# DataSciences - 数据科学
1 楼
Display advertising is a billion dollar level effort
and one of the central uses of machine learning on the Internet.
However, its data and methods are usually kept under lock and key.
Amex has a worth of data collected from different channels throughout
customer’s entire web browsing journey.
1) Given a user and the product page he is visiting,
and given that there are five products displayed on this page,
predict which he/she will click on
2) Please also predict a user’s click journey.
Specifically, given a sequence of k clicks, predict the next,
or k+1 click
and one of the central uses of machine learning on the Internet.
However, its data and methods are usually kept under lock and key.
Amex has a worth of data collected from different channels throughout
customer’s entire web browsing journey.
1) Given a user and the product page he is visiting,
and given that there are five products displayed on this page,
predict which he/she will click on
2) Please also predict a user’s click journey.
Specifically, given a sequence of k clicks, predict the next,
or k+1 click