MasterCard MarketPlace is now featuring up to 10 new Bonus OOs every day
of the week. To reserve these deals, they must first be unlocked: more
deals unlock as more shoppers check in. If you win an OO reservation,
you will instantly receive WOWPoints equal to the value of the discount.
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How it works:
Start by Checking In: To access Bonus OOs, simply “Check In.” The fun
part is that when enough check-ins occur, they unlock a Bigger Bonus OO
Shopping and Sharing: Once you’ve checked-in, you can also access Check
In Offers, which are available to you all day. Make sure to share the
deals with your friends: it helps unlock the Bonus OO.
The Bonus OO: When enough users check-in the Bonus OO unlocks. Bonus OOs
are always 50% off or better, and are available while supplies last on a
first come, first serve basis, so you have to hurry up! Sometimes there
are a few Bonus OOs each day.
In order to keep bringing you great OOs from participating merchants, we
need to ensure that only people who really want the deal, reserve it.
All OO purchases must be completed within three days of winning the
reservation. Effective March 15, if you do not complete the purchase
within the specified timeframe, your WOWPoints will be taken back and
your OO account may be locked (an unlock fee may also apply).
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After you win an OO reservation, you will receive three emails reminding
you to complete your OO purchase.
If after three days you did not redeem your OO, your WOWPoints will be
taken back.
If you do not complete your purchase of your OO, you may continue to
browse and shop on MasterCard MarketPlace, but your OO account will be
locked so that additional OOs cannot be reserved. You have various
options to unlock your OO account:
Free pass waiver provided to 1st time offenders
If tracking problem – You can provide the order number and details of
If none of the above apply, you can agree to accept a $10 charge to
unlock the OO feature
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