吃了第一个az# ebiz - 电子商务
1 楼
二月卖出一台pro9000 已经三个多月了。昨天突然发信要求substantious refund. 理
由是说刚发现我卖的旧货, 因为打印机出问题了送到canon修, canon 发现里面漏 还
The buyer's comments were "the seller tagged the item as brand new but when
customer took it to a nearest manufacturer repair location in their state
they found out that the item was tampered and has heavy glue around the
photo center and the counter shows there are 2300 photos that was printed on
the said printer and customer only had this item for less than 3 months ".
该怎么应对? 已经找小护士要sn去了
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
二月卖出一台pro9000 已经三个多月了。昨天突然发信要求substantious refund. 理
由是说刚发现我卖的旧货, 因为打印机出问题了送到canon修, canon 发现里面漏 还
The buyer's comments were "the seller tagged the item as brand new but when
customer took it to a nearest manufacturer repair location in their state
they found out that the item was tampered and has heavy glue around the
photo center and the counter shows there are 2300 photos that was printed on
the said printer and customer only had this item for less than 3 months ".
该怎么应对? 已经找小护士要sn去了
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8