Re: 不懂数学的人创造了数学神话 ——关于完美市场假设
Re: 不懂数学的人创造了数学神话 ——关于完美市场假设# Economics - 经济
it depends on your horizon (or time perspective): in a volatile
market environment, the decision makers face overwhelming amount
of information, and more importantly survival of the entities
they are responsible. As such, capital allocation is rarely
on top of their priority list. Consequently, the free market
doesn't provide any quidance on short term efficient allocation
of resources. As a matter of fact, people argue that the opposite
is true often times.
But it is generally accepted that ove
transaction cost (or "processing cost" as it is called in this
context) can delay adjustment in capital allocation in short term. It,
however, will not change the direction / magnitude of the
adjustment: transaction cost is not accumulative (due to its
"sunk cost" nature), while the adjustment is accumulative.
so inuitively, processing cost will NOT have material impact here.
it all depends on what school of thoughts you subscribe too. But it
is generally believed that with rational expectation,
wait a second, you are opening a big debate if you want to say that monetary
or fiscal policy have no real effect. EVEN with rational expectation, you
can build models to show that money has effect. When you talk to economists,
maybe only <10% of them (Chicago, Rochester) will stick to "money is veil".

【在 q**i 的大作中提到】
: transaction cost (or "processing cost" as it is called in this
: context) can delay adjustment in capital allocation in short term. It,
: however, will not change the direction / magnitude of the
: adjustment: transaction cost is not accumulative (due to its
: "sunk cost" nature), while the adjustment is accumulative.
: so inuitively, processing cost will NOT have material impact here.
: it all depends on what school of thoughts you subscribe too. But it
: is generally believed that with rational expectation,


you wouldn't be able to show any REAL effect of moneary/fiscal policy if
you have RE: with RE, the entities can PERFECTLY anticipate (usually
collectively) the outcome of the policy, and react according (to get
back to the equilibrium you were in before the policy is instituited).
the best strand of literature on this is on centre bank independency
and (anti) inflationary power of the independency.
The trick is to undermind RE with reasonable assumptions. basically,
RE is NOT likely to hold tru

【在 b*****y 的大作中提到】
: wait a second, you are opening a big debate if you want to say that monetary
: or fiscal policy have no real effect. EVEN with rational expectation, you
: can build models to show that money has effect. When you talk to economists,
: maybe only <10% of them (Chicago, Rochester) will stick to "money is veil".

What about staggered price setting with RE?

【在 q**i 的大作中提到】
: you wouldn't be able to show any REAL effect of moneary/fiscal policy if
: you have RE: with RE, the entities can PERFECTLY anticipate (usually
: collectively) the outcome of the policy, and react according (to get
: back to the equilibrium you were in before the policy is instituited).
: the best strand of literature on this is on centre bank independency
: and (anti) inflationary power of the independency.
: The trick is to undermind RE with reasonable assumptions. basically,
: RE is NOT likely to hold tru


I am not familiar with price rigidity under RE. Price rigidity through
staggered contracts itself is an old topic (by Taylor about 20
years ago). I would category it under case d) where the price / wage
cannot react quickly enough (due to contracts) to monetary/fiscal policy.
assuming finite contract terms and long - living workers, the outcome
and existence of equilibria probably depend on objectives of the
policy maker: a) if the objective is to boost output, I don't think you
can find any eq

【在 b*****y 的大作中提到】
: What about staggered price setting with RE?